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Combining Tiers & Levels

Sat, Nov 24 2012 3:28 AM (22 replies)
  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Sat, Jul 14 2012 9:30 PM

    In order to defeat sand bagging and keep players in position to upgrade. Why not combine Tiers and levels together? Instead of player advancement being based only by scores posted, they should also be required to reach a certain level before they can advance. For example; before a Hack can advance to Amateur, they must not only post the proper scores, but also be at lvl 15. Before an Amateur can advance to Pro, they must not only post the scores but again advance another 15 lvls to lvl 30 to become Pro . Once the player meets both requirements, only then will that player be moved up to the next tier. If at every tier level a player is required to advance 15 levels, it will keep them in position to upgrade their clubs when needed. Also players will not be allowed to purchase the level up drinks or candy bars until they have reached lvl 10 or higher in each tier. Once the player has reached the required lvl, they will not go any higher in levels unless promoted to the next tier then they start over. Just like with the players avg . This will not only stop sand bagging, but also restarts, and multi accounts. This will keep a level playing field and keep the game honest. If this would be properly applied, by the time a player reaches Tour Master, they will be at lvl90 with all clubs available to them for upgrades. So here`s a thought to build upon W.G.T. . Kick the tires, look under the hood, and drive it around the block. If I missed anything, other players please feel free to add on. Let`s help to make this a better game. Happy Swinging

  • sportsrockplayer
    306 Posts
    Sat, Jul 14 2012 9:43 PM

    Um dude by the time they are a Tour Master, they will only be at level 75. Do your math.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Sat, Jul 14 2012 10:48 PM


    Um dude by the time they are a Tour Master, they will only be at level 75. Do your math.

    No do yours. 6x15=90 dude. Put down the blunt, and back away slowly.


  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Sun, Jul 15 2012 7:36 AM

    Doesn't stop multi accounting sandbaggers. Someone with legend skills who knows all the nuances of the starter or lower level clubs, greens, etc. just opens a second account (or more), plays the lower tiers, cleans up at the expense of others. Every time he rises above where his "targets" are he opens a new account and cleans up yet again.

    Equipment does need to be level AND tier based. Tier advancement should be based, however, on more than just score. Credits won in play and tournament results should also factor into promoting people to higher levels. Those promotions should take place  even if the required # of rounds haven't been played yet.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Sun, Jul 15 2012 8:31 AM


    Doesn't stop multi accounting sandbaggers. Someone with legend skills who knows all the nuances of the starter or lower level clubs, greens, etc. just opens a second account (or more), plays the lower tiers, cleans up at the expense of others. Every time he rises above where his "targets" are he opens a new account and cleans up yet again.

    Equipment does need to be level AND tier based. Tier advancement should be based, however, on more than just score. Credits won in play and tournament results should also factor into promoting people to higher levels. Those promotions should take place even if the required # of rounds haven't been played yet.

    Every one doesn`t play for credits.Nor should they have too. Playing for credits, should be restricted to players who have advanced to the level of Tour Pro or higher. Or for players lower than Tour Pro a set limit no higher than 20 credits a game. Including credits imo, will only promote gambling, and that is something that I am against. Also, with the same players already winning the majority of the tournaments, this I dont think would even work. No promotions should ever be given, if not played and earned. There are no give mes` in golf , you get what you play for and that`s the way it should be.


  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Sun, Jul 15 2012 8:49 AM

    My mistake. the underlined word should have been tiers, not levels.

  • mel1950
    2,887 Posts
    Sun, Jul 15 2012 9:15 AM

    My thinking is if you come 1st, 2nd or 3rd in a credit winning tournament twice you should automatically be moved up to the next tier anyway. And that is regardless of what level you are on. The same as if you win over 30 credits twice in a challenge game it should be deemed that you are eligible for the next tier. That should happen until you reach Master and then you can play as normal. That would make a lot of the sand baggers think twice about fleecing credits off lower tier members.


  • sportsrockplayer
    306 Posts
    Sun, Jul 15 2012 1:26 PM



    Um dude by the time they are a Tour Master, they will only be at level 75. Do your math.

    No do yours. 6x15=90 dude. Put down the blunt, and back away slowly.


    No you shut up and do yours. Hack to Amateur is level 15. Then Amateur to Pro is level 30. Then Pro to Tour Pro is level 45. Then Tour Pro to Master is level 60. Then Master to Tour Master is LEVEL 75. So you put down that blunt and back away slowly.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Sun, Jul 15 2012 8:30 PM




    Um dude by the time they are a Tour Master, they will only be at level 75. Do your math.

    No do yours. 6x15=90 dude. Put down the blunt, and back away slowly.


    No you shut up and do yours. Hack to Amateur is level 15. Then Amateur to Pro is level 30. Then Pro to Tour Pro is level 45. Then Tour Pro to Master is level 60. Then Master to Tour Master is LEVEL 75. So you put down that blunt and back away slowly.

    No , you tell your mammy to shut up, I dont know where you  get off thinking you can talk to people any kind of way, but face to face I would stomp your a$$. I am that guy  and I dont give a phaaque about you. You have a$$ cheer leaders always think you can reply to people any kind of way. I said every player should complete 15 lvls each tier before advancing to the next level. Now do the math smart a$$.

  • egonweber
    365 Posts
    Mon, Jul 16 2012 10:38 AM

    Lonnie you hit the head on a nail. Lvl+tier would be the most fair for all of us.

    I cant participiate in premiumtiurnaments where prizes are real money, my state of residence dont allow it. I can only earn a few credits by watching videos, surveys i havent seen 1 the time i have been here, probably my residence again.

    I spend some $$ is tourmaster and lvl 90. Have never bought a chocolatebar prefer better balls instead and try to improve my score!

    From my first round i thought tier would make it possible to get better equipment, until i, very surprised, noticed all clubs was available to hack!! Its the biggest mistake wgt have made, was what i thought!
