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Combining Tiers & Levels

Sat, Nov 24 2012 3:28 AM (22 replies)
  • bearclaw27
    553 Posts
    Mon, Jul 16 2012 12:32 PM





    Um dude by the time they are a Tour Master, they will only be at level 75. Do your math.

    No do yours. 6x15=90 dude. Put down the blunt, and back away slowly.


    No you shut up and do yours. Hack to Amateur is level 15. Then Amateur to Pro is level 30. Then Pro to Tour Pro is level 45. Then Tour Pro to Master is level 60. Then Master to Tour Master is LEVEL 75. So you put down that blunt and back away slowly.

    No , you tell your mammy to shut up, I dont know where you  get off thinking you can talk to people any kind of way, but face to face I would stomp your a$. I am that guy  and I dont give a phaaque about you. You have a$ cheer leaders always think you can reply to people any kind of way. I said every player should complete 15 lvls each tier before advancing to the next level. Now do the math smart a$.

    Yo dudes..You are not the typical peace-loving "irie" Rastafarians..  Mellow out


  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Mon, Jul 16 2012 1:29 PM

    Get a room you two and work it out. Good gracious.

  • Jerm65
    1,413 Posts
    Mon, Jul 16 2012 1:49 PM

    The funny thing is that Sportsrockplayer is right.  Under Lonnie's proposed 15 levels / tier system, a player would become a Tour Master at level 75. (and would stay as such until level 90, when they moved to legend)

    *picks up all the blunts that were put down....and floats happily away*

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Tue, Jul 17 2012 7:21 AM


    The funny thing is that Sportsrockplayer is right.  Under Lonnie's proposed 15 levels / tier system, a player would become a Tour Master at level 75. (and would stay as such until level 90, when they moved to legend)

    *picks up all the blunts that were put down....and floats happily away*

    Hack +15 levels, Amateur+15 levels,Pro+15 levels,Tour Pro+15 levels,Master+15 levels, Tour Master+15 levels & Legend. 6 tiers, 15lvls to each tier. Each tier must not only post the needed scores but complete the lvls as well. So where am I wrong


  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Tue, Jul 17 2012 7:35 AM

     1 - 15  Hack

    16 - 30 Amateur

    31 - 45  Pro

    46 - 60  Tour Pro

    61 - 75 Master

    76 - 90 Tour Master


    Tour Master until level 90. 

  • Jerm65
    1,413 Posts
    Tue, Jul 17 2012 11:12 AM

    by the time a player reaches Tour Master, they will be at lvl90

    So where am I wrong

    Under your proposed system, a player will become a TM at level 75.  You need to make 5 tier advancements to reach TM....times 15 levels per tier advancement....equals level 75.

    Srellim was even kind enough to detail it.

  • sportsrockplayer
    306 Posts
    Tue, Jul 17 2012 12:24 PM


    by the time a player reaches Tour Master, they will be at lvl90

    So where am I wrong

    Under your proposed system, a player will become a TM at level 75.  You need to make 5 tier advancements to reach TM....times 15 levels per tier advancement....equals level 75.

    Srellim was even kind enough to detail it.

    THANK YOU Jerm65. Exactly what I was trying to tell him but apparently he was too dumb. Lonnie if we met in real life you would not stand a chance against me, so shut up. And I can say whatever I want and so can we all because of freedom of speech idiot.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Tue, Jul 17 2012 8:25 PM


     1 - 15  Hack

    16 - 30 Amateur

    31 - 45  Pro

    46 - 60  Tour Pro

    61 - 75 Master

    76 - 90 Tour Master


    Tour Master until level 90.

    Evidently, you are the only one who properly read the thread and did the math.According to Mr.Sports rock player ,Tour Master would be lvl 75. Like I said, 6x15=90. All clubs would now be available to players before reaching Legend. Leaving no room to complain about not having the clubs to compete. Thanks srellim, for proving my point. Happy Swinging


  • sportsrockplayer
    306 Posts
    Tue, Jul 17 2012 8:54 PM

    the chart clearly says after master you are level 75. You begin Tour Master at level 76. Level 75, or 76. Not a big difference.