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members joining country club

Thu, Mar 22 2018 10:35 AM (17 replies)
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  • butterbox
    3 Posts
    Sun, May 9 2010 2:33 PM

    I started my own country club,in my email in box i have a request from someone to join,it directs me to click on the link below,when i do it takes to the start to become a member???? can someone please help me to let that person know to join my club.thanks

  • marioh
    1,055 Posts
    Sun, May 9 2010 2:42 PM


    I started my own country club,in my email in box i have a request from someone to join,it directs me to click on the link below,when i do it takes to the start to become a member???? can someone please help me to let that person know to join my club.thanks

    It would be nice if that link was setup for you to automatically approve the request, but it's not.

    You have to actually send the player an invite to your country club, and when he/she clicks on the link in the email they get, then they'll become a member of your country club.


  • Lilleboll
    32 Posts
    Mon, May 10 2010 8:05 PM

    I have invited so many to my Country Club, but none has managed to enter it!

    The system needs to be easier, now!

    Or I have wasted that 50 creds setting it up :(

    No big deal but it doesn't seem to work now!


  • 4nSpy
    11 Posts
    Tue, May 11 2010 8:00 PM

    I concur.  I even sent out invites and they can not get it.  You can not send out another invite to the same person.  What is the answer?

  • Lilleboll
    32 Posts
    Wed, May 12 2010 1:10 AM

    The answer must be to change the routine, skip the email, and give a notification on the players page within WGT.

    Also this forum post should come as a notification on your WGT page and not go the long way through email...

    I player out of 12 invites has managed so far to enter my Country Club :(


    ps. I want to change the name of my Country Club, but that is not possible now, why?

  • Lilleboll
    32 Posts
    Wed, May 12 2010 5:27 AM

    Really odd you can only be member of 1 CC !!

    What if you travel abroad, the world is big :)

    And why can't you visit another CC when you are member of another?

    Loosen up WGT, we are a family, yowsah!

  • jchuck61
    3 Posts
    Mon, Jul 12 2010 6:21 PM

    Totally agree. Apparently I wasted 50 credits setting up this club b/c no one can join! wtf?

  • Lilleboll
    32 Posts
    Tue, Jul 13 2010 6:32 AM

    I have 18 PENDING members that can't join up by themselves it seems!!

    So something is wrong with how you join a CC... :(

  • WGTniv
    1,788 Posts
    Tue, Jul 13 2010 12:52 PM

    Hi fellas,

    Country Club invites are working fine.  The process itself is rather simple and involves only 3 or 4 steps.

    • Visit the player's profile you wish to invite to your club
    • Cilck the INVITE TO COUNTRY CLUB link at the top of their profile.  This will send an invitation to the email the player has listed on their account information.
    • Leave a message on that player's wall letting them know you sent an invite and to check their email. (Optional step)
    • Once the player receives the invitation email he/she then must login to WGT and then click the confirmation link in the email to join the club.

    That's all there is to it. =)

    The most common problems we see with CC invites are:

    • The player you are inviting has an incorrect email listed in their account settings, so they will never receive the email.  This can be changed by clicking on the ACCOUNT button then clicking on the CONTACT INFO tab at the top of the page.
    • The player you are inviting is unable to receive emails from WGT or the emails are being redirected to a spam/junk folder.  The player will need to make an exception in their email client to allow emails from
    • The player is not logged in to WGT when they click the confirmation link in the invitation email.  They should log in before they click the link.

    Lilleboll:  I would recommend deleting all of your pending invitations and working with one player at a time until you are more comfortable with the process.  Make sure the folks that are having trouble joining your club have the correct email address listed on their account and that they are following the steps above.  We have many clubs with many members already joined.  As I mentioned, it's just a matter of becoming familiar with the process, but it is rather short and sweet.

    Good Luck =) 

  • Lilleboll
    32 Posts
    Tue, Jul 13 2010 1:05 PM

    Well that was a LONG answer to a short question about something that should be SIMPLE!

    I knew all you said already but it doesn't work very well in real life....

    I have 17 members in my CC now and 18 PENDING that seems to NOT be able to get in by themselves, some of them I have tried deleteing the invite and sending a new one...

    Yes, sir! :)

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