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WGT Kiawah Championship

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Sat, Aug 18 2012 3:20 PM (93 replies)
  • BeachedMulligan
    1,238 Posts
    Wed, Aug 15 2012 6:54 AM


    I'm glad you all got to play round 2.  I got SCREWED by the usual WGT tournament dates, play from 13 to 15, I presumed as all tournaments usually have round 1 from Monday to Wednesday (as dates show) then from Thursday to Sunday.  As usuall although the tournament says 13 to 15, i logged on today on wednesday the 15th only to see MISSED THE F'KIN CUT, Thanks again, as usuall a high % of players get screwed by the FALSE dates shown.  Common sense says it should have dates 13 & 14 not give the false impression you can play to 15th.  I can see why many players cant be bothered with this game any more and more and more dont play often, me, like a lot only play a round a day, and when that round you hoped to play isn't available (same problems in OPEN & St Andrews championship) then that 1 round a day will start beeing 1 a week, untill 1 a week gets to, Ahhh, theres's actually better things to do than be here, why not get a drug addiction instead of a WGT addiction, both seem pretty the same $

    Edited to be less of a dick to above.

  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Wed, Aug 15 2012 6:55 AM

    It always happens.  It happened with the prior championships, but WGT persists in keeping it's head buried in it's own butt and doesn't fix obviously wrong things.  As I said before, the entire rest of the world considers 17th-19th to mean the 17th THROUGH the 19th.  WGT is the only entity profoundly ignorant enough to keep it  meaning the 17th UNTIL the 19th, despite it's players getting burned by that policy repeatedly.  Definition of insanity, meet WGT.

    And of course, being congenitally stupid, WGT made round 3 another inherently unfair heavy wind round.

  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Wed, Aug 15 2012 6:57 AM


    Perhaps your 1 of the 3 million people that haven't read/heard/understood that's California time? Like...the USA, west coast. 

    C'mon man.

    No, it isn't.  It's because WGT is too stupid to figure out that 13-15 MEANS 13th THROUGH the 15th, and they write 13-15 to mean the 13th until the first second of the 15th PST.

  • MBaggese
    15,369 Posts
    Wed, Aug 15 2012 6:59 AM


    God, I must be looking at the wrong tourney then, Rnd 3 complete with top score of 180

    Many still haven't played...with today and tomorrow (US time) to complete R3.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Wed, Aug 15 2012 7:21 AM

    You go into a shop which has a message "sale ends wednesday 15th" it would mean you could go in on the WEDNESDAY untill shop closes to purchase goods, not get told, sorry m8, you should have come in yesterday, there's no sale today, in that case to "normal" folk, the sign should have said last day for Slae on tuesday 14th, so customers would know that they had to go in to the shop on the tuesday if they wanted those half price golf clubs that was on offer in the imaginary sale.  Why doesnt WGT do the same as normal people do, put play round 13th and 14th not give 50% of normal folk who everywhere else presume 15 means its o.k untill that date hope that they are able to play on 15th when you are not.

  • MBaggese
    15,369 Posts
    Wed, Aug 15 2012 7:33 AM


    Here's what it tells me Chris:

    The qualifier is unlimited stroke-play and runs Wed 8/1 thru Sun 8/12. The top 50% of qualifying scores make the cut for 2 Championship single-play stroke-play rounds, first round posted Mon-Tu 8/13-14 and second round posted Wed-Thu 8/15-16.




    What are you guys seeing differently than me?

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Wed, Aug 15 2012 7:47 AM

    Oh snap. That's what I saw and knew when to play. I also received 2 e mails reminding me to play. Other than a tap on the shoulder by an emissary sent to personally ask me to play, it's pretty easy top know when.

  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Wed, Aug 15 2012 7:53 AM

    WGT is too stupid to figure out that 13-15 MEANS 13th THROUGH the 15th, and they write 13-15 to mean the 13th until the first second of the 15th PST.

    This has been a problem with dates stated for the weekly/monthly tournaments, but this time with the Kiawah tourney they seemed to get it right (once you recognize that this is US Pacific time).

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Wed, Aug 15 2012 8:08 AM



    What are you guys seeing differently than me?

    There's no fault on WGT's side. This window must be read in local time.

    Here in Europe (and probably in US time zones further east, too) the end dates of the rounds are different, Aug 13, Aug 15, Aug 17. This is correct if you keep the clock in mind, 12 am PDT is 9 am of the next day here, 8 am in Britain. The first round ended at Aug 13, 9 am of my local time.

    Chris seems to have taken it as 11:59 pm - wrong.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Aug 15 2012 8:13 AM

    I presumed as all tournaments usually have round 1 from Monday to Wednesday (as dates show) then from Thursday to Sunday.

    presumed past tense

    1. Suppose that something is the case on the basis of probability
      • presumed that the man had been escorted from the building
      • the two men were presumed dead when the wreck of their boat was found
    2. Take for granted that something exists or is the case
      • the argument presumes that only one person can do the work
      • the task demands skills which cannot bepresumed and therefore require proper training

    At least give WGT credit for listening to the complaints about how they used to do it (not sure they ever had it messed up)  and getting it right. MB ans Zag  showed you that.

    p.s., Tell JLB if you see him. I would but he seems a bit irked at the moment and might take it out on me.  ;-)