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Apply Common Sense WGT!

Sun, Aug 5 2012 7:23 AM (24 replies)
  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 5:09 AM

    Just a short note.

    Save all the all the complaints you get after the release of problem updates.

    I've been running a web design/seo/coding/programming business for 10 years now so I think I know what I'm talking about right?

    When I or one of my design team design or code either a new site or a site upgrade, the last thing we do before we make it live is check that it works correctly so that the customer has no issues with the work. This involves testing the site works fine with at least 6 or 7 browsers minimum.

    I'm pretty sure by the volume of complaints with this last update that your programmers just tweak, add, delete, try to improve stuff then upload it without testing it thoroughly if testing it at all.

    It appears to me that each time there's mods added to the game settings interface like this "Speed Up" stuff and "Available Survey Notification".......then it creates extra issues.

    Why pour all the hassle upon yourselves when you can simply ask the programmers/designers etc to keep the site hidden or offline for an extra hour or two until they have at least tested the new update has no major issues.....sure I understand it will still have the odd bug......but major issues like the porky pig meter etc should be rectified BEFORE they switch it live. It looks totally unprofessional switching a site live that has not been checked and has issues to the extent a ton of end users (that's us) are moaning like hell.

    This is just common sense.


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 5:18 AM

    How would you deal with unknown future or parallel updates of third party SW like Flash?

    Me thinks it's mostly unlucky coincidence this time.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 6:23 AM


    How would you deal with unknown future or parallel updates of third party SW like Flash?

    Me thinks it's mostly unlucky coincidence this time.

    Best way to deal with any unknown future is not to change what we have already but to build on it. WGT are quite rightly not jumping into unknown uncertainties.

    To be honest, the game works very well and if it ain't broke don't fix it. By changing what we already have would be like jumping from the frying pan into the fire as it were. You get issues with mostly every platform, every coding language as they are constantly being updated and till there's fixes for them (which may take a day or a week or longer) ...designers, coders/programmers etc will try their best to find a workaround to stabilise or fix the issue(s) involved. It is not always as easy a task as some in this forum seem to believe.

    I think what the team at WGT are doing is the right thing. Sure there is the odd hiccup after update(s) but Icon's usually on the case to the programmers with immediate effect and it gets sorted. Sure, there's always going to be bugs and we will just need to accept that, because being an online game, there are just so many variables involved with the function of this game that can effect the stability of it.

    In my own opinion, one of the main contributing factor to problems that arise are browsers and how they deal with flash, especially the browsers which embed flash as a plug in. Browsers that use flash as an ActiveX seem to be less effected.

    ActiveX is the system Internet Explorer uses in place of the NPAPI system that all other browsers use to embed other applications inside themselves. one of the threads yesterday a person said he'd switch from chrome or firefox back to internet explorer and the game was fine again.

    I think this latest version of flash however, is the problem with browser support forums telling users to revert back to a previous working version.

    The trouble with Flash is that Adobe is constantly trying to keep up with it's media rivals for example HTML 5 Video Players and suchlike. It's like a game of cat and mouse and unfortunately players using chrome and firefox will see the side effects when the combination doesn't work out too well leading to a surge of complaints directed at WGT.....and it's not entirely their problem.

    Firefox & Adobe both realise there's a problem and have said they're trying to sort it out. I'd say Google chrome suffers the same issues as firefox because they both use Flash as either an extension or a plug in.

    I'm certain WGT have looked at every avenue open to them and are always considering the next possible step to move the game forward, the WGT are a pretty sharp bunch of folks, but like you said with the "unknown future".....right now would not be a wise time to completely change what we we already have and what works very well IMHO.

    Before anyone bangs on about Beta bla bla. The problems we face with browsers and flash today are the same problems we'd be facing tomorrow if this game was out of beta and was still primarily being played online because the major factors effecting game play are browsers & flash issues / isp dns issues & network carrier issues.

    We have to take the good with the bad. Mostly for all parts it's good no one can deny that. One bad day does not ruin the entire year.

    Yes it's annoying when things go wierd after an update, I hate hate it, other players hate it......but I really don't think the WGT Team are much in love with the issues either.....especially WGTicon. He must dread coming to work on the day on an update lol.

    All we can do is be patient, let those pressing the buttons try to sort the issues as quickly as they can. Let's face it, we still got a great game here, which WGT are constantly trying to improve.

    My own line on this is, if we didn't make mistakes, we would never learn. I think WGT are moving in the right direction working with the flash platform and are constantly changing things, adding things , removing things and holding chat sessions to get all important customer feedback.

    It's always easier just to shout and blame what's immediately in front of us, instead of looking at the bigger picture.

    Any folks..........enjoy the game and stay lucky.



  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 6:44 AM


    How would you deal with unknown future or parallel updates of third party SW like Flash?

    Me thinks it's mostly unlucky coincidence this time.

    Obviously no one at WGT stays on top of what is going on with Flash.

    After the fact we got this note:


    Hi folks,

    To start, in case it isn't known by anyone reading this, Adobe Flash released an update around the same time we released a new game version (bad timing!)

    Bad timing?   No...bad communication with your platform developer.  WGT should have known there was a Flash update in the works, should have downloaded a pre-release version, then tested it with WGT's new release.  Probably would have delayed WGTs release a day or two.

    WGT is also not doing a good job on damage control.  Where's the WGT announcement to back out Flash 11,3,300,270 & go to vers 11,3,300,268?  None.  Once again WGT is depending on its members to find the solution and post it on the forums.  Meanwhile we get announcements for the new features. 

    There also should be a FAQ section stating which versions of the supported browsers coupled with which versions of Flash WGT recommend. (they've tested)

    Bad form all around WGT.


  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 6:54 AM

    I have to agree with most of what Andyson's saying. I would urge WGT to communicate with their developers more in future with regards to imminent flash updates. We must learn from these mistakes. If we didn't make them, we'd never learn.

    Let's face it, we all now know flash updates / versions of flash can be buggy and cause problems, so why not get the programmers to write a line of code into the game's infrastructure which forces users / browsers to mount / use a known stable version of flash. This shouldn't take long.

    I am available for hire@ $95 hourly.


  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 7:24 AM

    Another example of poor communication between WGT and Adobe.

    There is a section on that link to tell Adobe how you are effected by this update. I suggest everyone do this, as it may help them reach a solution faster.

    Would have been nice to see a post from WGT in that section telling Adobe how your site is affected!  You want US to post?  Take ownership of the problem. Its your customers that are affected.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 7:45 AM

    Great post....   

    I use Chrome and have Flash version 11.3.300.265 ...   I have turned off Auto Update. and I have no problems with meter issues... well just the slight glitch, but of no concern.

    I wrote this in a previous post and I'm starting to get a bit embarressed about having a great (at the moment)

    I have a 10yr old Pentium4  2.6ghz  and I doubled my 512mb Ram... reading everything off the label on the font of   I think there is no single fix to this problem.  1 fix for me could be nothing for somebody else.



  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 8:44 AM

    my meter's been great today so it would appear service is back to normality due to icon jumping on the programmmers quickly.

    problem arises....problem gets's all good.


  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Fri, Aug 3 2012 8:44 AM

    AL WGT should know better then to have a release in the midst of FLASH updates across the boards. If they paid attention to what is going on they would never have an update when Microsoft or any other huge software party is doing an update.

    Now with that said, The issues the past few days is not WGT's fault. Even without WGT's updates the FLASH issue would have still reared its ugly head no matter what.

    Hope everyone gets their issues fixed today.