Upon "hooking" and "pulling" every single shot (a few rounds back)... I came to notice (finally) that the large FAN in my room was blowing "right to left".
Note to NEW players... this wind variable is correctable... in fact you can both eliminate the "hooks" (and or slices depending on which side of the room the fan is blowing)... and add considerable distance to your drives by strategically positioning the fan directly behind yourself.
I for one, have elected to "shut the fan OFF"... I will eliminate the dis-advantage...yet, in the name of true sportsmanship... I will not create an unfair (and synthesized) advantage.
To WGT programmers, if you read this... is there any way that I can substitute the sound of "ball falling in cup" with the sound of "crowd chanting out my name"?
(...just askin')
G'day and fair weather...