Thanks TBE, i downloaded this Maxthon3 after reading the comments. I went and played the free weekly 9 hole unlimited straight away, with its high winds. From the 1st shot until i reached the 16th tee, every single shot and putt was silky smooth as you say. However, on my tee shot on 16, the wind was a 25mph direct right to left. Having the confidence that this was running great for me, i placed my pointer over the right hand side of the roadway, knowing well that 25mph was strong enough to bring my ball back in no problem. Can you imagine my surprise when the meter took a massive surge just as i hit the tee shot? Yup, lost my NEW BALL yet again, and strangely enough, every single shot and putt after that was silky smooth again. In a nutshell, i think its a great browser, but...................
Something seriously tells me i got severely burned here, what do you say WGT? Why is it every time a manage to get a few balls together, its the only time i start to lose them regularly? Good browser or not, me thinks your going to get screwed sometime either way.
P.S. that doesnt mean you can now go and make me lose 1 when i only have a couple left, as if to prove it happens any other way.