Seen as WGT are not playing ball with me lately, i will let you in on something they told me personally in a chat on Teamspeak a few weeks back, around the time they decided to put more admins on the forums to quell the discontent. The excuse i got for shots going way off course was this:
WGT have a system, where the winds react more strongly than is advertised on the screen. If you have a 25mph wind, and you ding your shot, that wind of 25mph can, and will be stronger than advertised?
I asked them what they where talking about, and the response was this:
If you take a shot in a 25mph wind, ding it, then that shot is not necessarily a 25 mph shot. I asked how come that is? The response was:
Well, we have a system where we have a higher wind strength when you ding a shot, where the ball reacts more strongly to the shot you hit.
I asked for more clarification on this, and i was told this.........
When you hit a shot into a wind, there is a stronger wind higher up in the air. We have not told anybody this information, but we are thinking of doing this now.
I was asked there and then if i thought it was a good idea to let members know this happens. My response was that all members should know this, and why it wasnt common knowledge among members before this chat.
WGT's response was that they did not think it was relevant, and that it was not something they thought about before.
I was then asked how to go about letting members know how this occurs, and it was suggested to me that they put up an extra meter to show how higher winds react, and would this suffice? I was also told about a new tier at the time called TOUR LEGEND, but kept this to myself in the strictest confidence, although i wasnt asked to.
As you can probably imagine, i sat there totally stunned by the responses i was getting, and i was in no way sharp enough to ask the real questions that needed to be answered by these folks.
BTW, if you are interested in who asked the questions, then let me tell you this. I made a post about how game was feeling at the time. From this, I got a friend request from WGTadmin2 requesting an exchange of the views of the game. I sent WGTadmin2 the details of our Teamspeak log in details, with a time and date, and they duly arrived at said time.
At this meeting, Chiang introduced himself as a fellow co founder of WGT (which i didnt know) and a few minutes into the meeting, a chap came on board by the name of CHAD NELSON. We all spoke admirably about the game.
Chad, you know we spoke about you visiting Ireland in the past, and we put up a post on our website of the chat that had gone before us. So why have you not let the members know about the wind situation that was talked about so openly among myself, another member of our club, and you and chiang?
Ive sat here for the last few weeks biting my tongue about the chat we had, and the only thing that has been true was the Tour Legend chat?
Looking forward to your response.