This Will Only Work as long as long as you disable the SHOCKWAVE VERSION CONTAINING THE PEPPER PLAYER FLASH... And guess what the next time Chrome or adobe updates, Chrome will re-enable the problematic flash once again and viola there goes the meter until you go back in and disable it again & again & again. It has become Chromes revolving door..This is what has been happening for the past 3 weeks. Samo Samo garbage
Just for giggles I downloaded this new version 11.4 and left the Newest Chrome added shock wave that updated with it Enabled. Lo and behold the meter was Jumpy and wouldn't stop when I clicked my mouse.. Needless to say once again Chrome is not on my computer nor will it be.
Chrome works great and has worked great on every Flash update as long you you keep disabling the problem Chrome Shockwave addition. People who have gotten tired of dealing with it have discontinued using Chrome and are much happier. ME for one...GO MAXTHON3