Oldbayrunner:What works for me when this happens is close the game screen and completely exit WGT then come back on.
Do you actually log off to do this? Just Xing out of the browser doesn't do it for me. After hitting Continue and stalling, hitting the Forfeit button re-activates the Continue button but if you then hit Continue, you get the "there is a problem..." message.
FWIW, I see this problem but only if the WGT pop up ad shows up on the restart, before you see the buttons active.
Yes, this is a very good description of what I am experiencing, thank you YJ. A week or 3 ago it was just an occasional annoyance, but now i seem to be suffering with it every time i am brought to that screen. Shutting down my browser, clearing the cache etc, and retrying simply doesnt work. I dont see how shutting down the computer and restarting it will change anything as that is effectively what I am doing (browser restart and cache clear). Please note that i am reluctant to simulate these conditions and try different things when other peoples games are at risk.
But seriously, this course of action doesnt really cut the mustard; live with it, keep restarting your computer and get on with it, thats the way it is and it cant be changed; is this an acceptable answer?
This part of the game is so much fun, by far the best craic and enjoyed by many, many people on here and as such, is deserving of a proper reply. I request someone from admin to come on here and explain why this has to be so. It would be great if we could get an official explanation for something that must be really easy to fix, and for why it is happening? Searching here, and this seems to be a long running problem with a number of posts and all of them bereft of an official reply. It is surely just a broken link that causes the trouble?
Looking forward to your reply admin. Thanks again, EB