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Clubs available at Tier Level Only

Tue, Aug 28 2012 8:49 AM (27 replies)
  • AndiWhite
    142 Posts
    Sun, Aug 26 2012 5:23 PM

    My thoughts exactly!!!

  • cycle1979
    1,555 Posts
    Sun, Aug 26 2012 5:35 PM

    There are atleast 100 posts on this subject and in my mind this is the biggest flaw with how WGT does things.  I've seen admin reply to a lot of posts but when it comes to this subject they tend to keep quiet....  

  • M4N1C
    8 Posts
    Sun, Aug 26 2012 6:00 PM

    Thanks for all the responses.

    The really daft thing is , I luv the game and the fun it brings , I am only posting my opinion on what I found out by restarting .

    It has made me realise that there are no rewards for trying and/or succeeding to upgrade your Tier , it actually turns the whole game around by teaching you not to Tier up until you reach a certain level , because if you Tier up too quickly you actually ruin your own chances of winning any games.

    To stop this, and to stop sand baggers ( level  90 hacks, amateurs , pro`s and tour pro`s mainly ) , clubs should be made available at Tier level . This would keep all Tiers par with everyone  else of that Tier , no more level 90 hacks because they would not have access to any more clubs than a level one hack :D

    I am sure that purchases for WGT Clubs would go up which gives WGT a  reason for doing it , and it would give players the incentives to be Tier promoted to play with better clubs .

    As it is for me ( and any other player ) , at level 44 , you are unable to purchase better clubs until level 58 , if clubs were available to my Tier , players like me would purchase them . So from a money making point of view , this would increase sales of clubs and enable players  to have an incentive to climb up the Tier ladder .

    We all hate these lvl 90 lower tier sand baggers , and this would stop all of that instantly .It would also allow a lot more players the chance of winning competitions than they do now , the proof is in the leader boards of the tiers , all the winning players  have level 90 clubs no matter what tier you look at . Look at the scores , the leaders of each tier have scores of  27 , hacks , amateurs, pro`s shooting 27`s all the time is  an absolute farce , and should be frowned  upon as we all know these players are all sand baggers .

    1,189 Posts
    Sun, Aug 26 2012 6:18 PM


    So for example ....

    Hacks can only purchase clubs up to lvl 15

    Amateurs can purchase clubs up to lvl 30

    Pros can purchase clubs up to lvl 45

    Tour Pros can purchase clubs up to lvl 60

    Masters can purchase clubs up to lvl 75

    Tour Masters and above can purchase clubs up to lvl 90

    Legends and above can purchase clubs over lvl 90

    Let me first say I agree with the fact legends should have access to all gear and nobody should need drivers with range over 270y from shorter tees. Putting that aside though, there's a giant flaw in your system. It eliminates all need for having XP levels at all, therefore eliminating the market for level up boosts and energy drinks, which provide IMO a quite large part of the revenue. And not chasing the levels instead of tiers would mean a lot less practice rounds and multiplayer matches, which tend to wear out your balls and make you get a new set.


    I do not believe this is fair , and actually encourages  players to level up as opposed  to Tier up  with promotion.

    These are just my opinions ,  I do not say that I am right in what I say or imply , I just see the system as it is being taken for a ride and should be looked into to hopefully find a way of stopping these level bandits getting away with scores that are humanly impossible in real golf .

    So taking in account what I said before, let me assure you the system is not being taken for a ride but is working perfectly as intended and there's nothing wrong with that. It's all good fun for us, but it's also a business for the creators. In order to afford development, new courses, more employes to deal with the woes of more and more players who are joining and having questions, you need revenue and together with advertising space this system is a means to provide that.


    P.S.: But the fact that I find too funny is you quit, rejoined, knowing the system did the same thing again and then, finding out how easy and faster it was the 2nd time around decided it would be a good idea for WGT to change the system so that people, who are restarters (like yourself), and of course find the game much easier, could buy the G20's in 3 weeks time. LMAO!


  • Spammage
    694 Posts
    Sun, Aug 26 2012 7:08 PM


    P.S.: But the fact that I find too funny is you quit, rejoined, knowing the system did the same thing again and then, finding out how easy and faster it was the 2nd time around decided it would be a good idea for WGT to change the system so that people, who are restarters (like yourself), and of course find the game much easier, could buy the G20's in 3 weeks time. LMAO!


    What difference does it make if he can buy the G20s in 3 weeks?  If he has reached the Master/Tour Master level that quickly then they should be unlocked to him - he wouldn't be taking advantage of anyone.  The problem is the dopes who fire off every round at maximum score to keep their average up and still purchase the top end clubs to take advantage of others by using top end equipment from short tees.  Legend/Tour Legend should have ALL clubs and equipment available as you really just can't compete from the tips with anything less than the level 79 burners and level 80s G20 woods.  

    The problem with this is the fact that WGT has a money maker in the level up bars and boosts that they don't want to relinquish.  If you reach Master at level 45 and want the level 59 G20s then you can spend another 15-20 bucks and purchase them now.  My suggestion would be to leave the levels in place and even leave the level-up bars/boost available - but tier lock the equipment so there won't be any level 90 pros with top end equipment.  WGT keeps their revenue stream for those deserving folks who tiered up and need the equipment but the masses are happy that the sandbagging is finished.


    1,189 Posts
    Mon, Aug 27 2012 2:38 AM

    Legend/Tour Legend should have ALL clubs and equipment available

    That was also stated in my post. (1st paragraph).

    My suggestion would be to leave the levels in place and even leave the level-up bars/boost available - but tier lock the equipment so there won't be any level 90 pros with top end equipment

    If by tier lock you mean same as some balls where you're required to have a tier + level combo, I'm all for it, but if it's unlocked by tier alone, then levels can be scrapped cause they wouldn't serve any purpose any more. So all boosts would become obsolete and that just won't happen.


  • M4N1C
    8 Posts
    Mon, Aug 27 2012 3:57 AM

    If by tier lock you mean same as some balls where you're required to have a tier + level combo, I'm all for it, but if it's unlocked by tier alone, then levels can be scrapped cause they wouldn't serve any purpose any more. So all boosts would become obsolete and that just won't happen.

    I would say you have a very valid point of making players and WGT happy in what you said about having equipment made available at Tier and level restrictions . This would eneble WGT to continue with their level ups and boost`s .

    However , lol , i would still say that by eliminating boosts and level ups , and having equipment available at Tier level only , would make WGT more with sales of clubs and balls , than level ups and boosts .

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Mon, Aug 27 2012 4:36 AM

    Boosts are limited to level 64 anyway - room for some creative freedom above that.

  • SeabrookFlash
    463 Posts
    Mon, Aug 27 2012 5:51 AM

    Lets not forget one more thing that I haven't seen mentioned here.  THE BALL.  I remember when only legends had access to certain balls The WGT12-SD2  L30 Legend only ball, then the Callaway Tour I Z L45 Legend only ball. But now any Hack can buy the Nike 20XI-X L-71 Super Charged Max Distance Cannon Power ball, ( my personal description) but not have to tee up from the parking lot, like the Legends.

    Just a thought.


  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Mon, Aug 27 2012 6:43 AM

    Easy solution. 5% reduction per tier below Legend on all club distances except for putters. Reduces the r11s driver to 227 yards for a Pro. Lower tier players have to hit longer irons than top tier players to get the same distance. If clubs below level 10 were left alone, the pro driver would still be at 245 yards. Not many sandbaggers are going to gaming the system to buy shorter clubs. Others will still be buying all the clubs as they anticipate the 5% increase in distance every time they tier up.

    Works a lot closer to what it's like in real life. Lower skilled players can't hit the same clubs as far as skilled professionals. They can still buy and play the same clubs and use them from their normal tees, though.