Games4Ever71: I agree with one of the posters about the forums being boring. Someone quoted him saying don't read the forums.
We need a topic in forum for whiners and cryers. I`v` been here a little over a year, and these forums are becoming boring.
Then don't read em or post
That was me who posted this.
I'm not someone who comes on here and slags people off, but this post was in a minority within the thread, and if Jadlong thinks these threads are boring then he should stay away from them....I never said don't read the forums, I said don't read the threads.
On your post......I agree that not everyone is as good as each other, and some take longer to level and tier up, but to get to L90 takes either a very long time ( I have played on here pretty much every day since I joined in Jan this year and I'm still only at L85 )......or a lot of boost bars and xp drinks. And to make the xp drinks most effective you have to play as much as possible within the 24hrs they are active.
If you look at the majority of these high level low tier players, they have averages above par and avoid ranked rounds like the plague. They play AS, and blitz the hell out of the game.......WHY?..........To avoid tiering up, that's why.
And if you look at their stats, every now and then a ranked round pops up......and it's pretty much always in the 20's or low 30's.......This is not the score of someone who has an average of above par.....It's the score of someone keeping their tier down so they can play from shorter tees with top equipment, a wolf in sheeps clothing......A Legend playing from Pro tees!!
I wouldn't mind so much....but the majority of them play skins and scam other unsuspecting low tier player out of their credits, or they enter the tourney's and RG's against genuine Pro's and take all the prizes.
WGT don't give a toss, cos they glean all the cash from the boost bars and XP drinks!
But this topic has credence because there are a lot of players who play the way WGT pretend is the right way, and are getting screwed over by not being allowed access to the equipment.