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MAX balls

Sun, Sep 14 2014 5:30 PM (199 replies)
  • YankeeAirPirate
    124 Posts
    Sat, Sep 1 2012 9:21 PM


    These balls are the closest thing to cheating. With the r11 irons and cleveland wedges, the courses are at the mercy. Here comes 40 sumthings being the winning score in every torney now. Better introduce uneven lies quick.

    What's cheating about it? They're olphardt balls, and it's about time WGT did something to level the playing field a bit. Hey, look at an olphardt on a REAL golf course. Slow (some say "creaking") swing, dinks the ball out there a short ways, but has some measure of control. Note that the Distance rating is a full point below the Nike ball, so if anything the trade-off does a pretty good job of approximating reality. But why they should cost so much, and die so quickly, is worth some serious grumbling. WGT needs to fix that oversight: 3-4 balls of Durability OR under 400 credits in cost would shickle the titt out of this olphardt.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sat, Sep 1 2012 10:04 PM

    Max Balls.............sounds like an 80's porn star.


  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Sat, Sep 1 2012 10:17 PM

    YankeeAIRPirate ;  well said  ....  i join you in your comments ,and i am not ready to use them ball yet , still need some speed(Nikes or Callws )  to play well .  

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Sat, Sep 1 2012 10:25 PM



    Marks84 - we have a technical limitation to enable one to change out the iron set and add more wedges or hybrids.  I would love to do that too but I guess it is hard work...

    A "technical limitation" eh... which one?

    When this game was designed, and the program for it was written, part of that program included making a full set of irons "required". All that would be required to change the program is to either remove or modify that particular section of the original program. This game is still in beta after however many years it has been... well part of bet-testing is to get feedback and make changes to the game based on your beta testers feedback. I  understand that WGT is a business and as such needs (or at least wants) to make money. That's fine, but since there is reason that implementing this change would cost WGT money, why all the foot dragging? I know I was not the first to suggest allowing us as players to carry any 14 clubs we wished (ok, fine... 13 and a putter). It seems to me that doing this would make good business sense since it would both satisfy your paying customers and encourage them to possibly buy a club or clubs that they might not have otherwise.

    And for the record... I would REALLY< REALLY<REALLY like to know what the "technical limitations are.



    Not That easy as you may think.


    I cannot recall which WGT Admin explained it, but in essence club sets are written/coded as a set, not individually.  Which means of the hundred os sets of clubs WGT has, each and EVERY club would have to then be written a a specific the math...but sure is a lot of work!


    now, look at wedges/drivers/etc that you can buy separately (just to put it in perspective)...WGT announce A new club coming...releases it after a few weeks of testing...and we have ONE club....


    So, if WGT has 100 sets of clubs with 8 clubs per do the math when it'd be ready")

    5,835 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 4:41 AM

    YAP i guess has a gooof point in respect to the 'trade off'.

    If you can ding the meter consistently with Nikes then you are going to out play the guy with MAX balls.

    and again YAP IMO has hit the nail oin the head stating the cost  is exoprbitant and not reltive to this trade off.

    The durability should be that compared to a Nike as well.

    The trade off , is a big one.


    I took advantage of the $25 buy in for a sleeve, I have enjoyed the max balls , but to me they are a novelty.


    Was there someone here who deposited $50 and expected to get Max Balls x 2?

    Its clearly in the print, "buy $25 or more credits for a sleeve"

    I deposited $25, in 2 goes. Got 2 sleeves.

    No brainer.



    5,835 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 4:44 AM

    I just hope that now we have MAX balls out of the way, and Uneven Lies and italian and French avatars that we may actually be getting closer to some WGT effort in some areas that have been lacking for a while.


    Like improved Country Club options  and everything else we have been begging for forever.



  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 8:47 AM

    they seemed to be ok as i watched back to back

    balls sail into the creek.

    but i aint falling for it again

  • Lobsterboy
    4,729 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 9:10 AM

    for 600 credits, 2 balls of Durability is WAY too short lived.

    600 credit balls should sport at least 3 balls of Durability

    I was so keen to try these balls I didn't even notice that YAP . . . I whole heartedly agree. I hit one in the water 2 days ago (which really hurt lol) so started with a fresh one. I only play for a few hours a day and after logging on today and hitting a couple of shots it said my ball was finished . .

  • borntobesting
    9,679 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 11:01 AM



    Marks84 - we have a technical limitation to enable one to change out the iron set and add more wedges or hybrids.  I would love to do that too but I guess it is hard work...

    A "technical limitation" eh... which one?

    When this game was designed, and the program for it was written, part of that program included making a full set of irons "required". All that would be required to change the program is to either remove or modify that particular section of the original program. This game is still in beta after however many years it has been... well part of bet-testing is to get feedback and make changes to the game based on your beta testers feedback. I  understand that WGT is a business and as such needs (or at least wants) to make money. That's fine, but since there is reason that implementing this change would cost WGT money, why all the foot dragging? I know I was not the first to suggest allowing us as players to carry any 14 clubs we wished (ok, fine... 13 and a putter). It seems to me that doing this would make good business sense since it would both satisfy your paying customers and encourage them to possibly buy a club or clubs that they might not have otherwise.

    And for the record... I would REALLY< REALLY<REALLY like to know what the "technical limitations are.



    Though it is not actually a technical limitation it would be a logistical nightmare to break up the iron sets into separate clubs. There are 31 iron sets taking 3 pages to show. Breaking those 31 sets down to separate clubs + the 31 iron sets themselves would make it 248 clubs+ the 31 sets making it 279 entries in the pro shop taking up over 23 pages that would make the pro shop load so much slower. Even if they broke th sets into 3 or 4 club types that would still make the pro shop glutted with many unneeded pages. Also if they broke the sets down into 3 or 4 club types would make it say long irons 3 and 4 so you could have the hybrid and a 3rd wedge but lose the 4 iron. So certainly not perfect the way they have it now is best.

  • gedi83
    277 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 12:27 PM

    As for a person familiar with behavioral economics, the option of the spinless 450 credit ball put in addition to the 600 one seems a bit like the following trick described by Dan Ariely: :-/

    IMO the best value ball if one needs slow meter is Cally 300 credit one.