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MAX balls

Sun, Sep 14 2014 5:30 PM (199 replies)
  • peoch
    1,127 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 1:14 PM


    Chris you hit is right on the head, we have a lot of different types of players and our goals is to bring people more choices so they can customize the game for themselves.

    But do u have to rob us. crazy way to go 



  • Yappy22
    733 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 1:35 PM

    6...bucks... I can get 3 TexMex breakfasts.  You guys at Wgt have slipped a gog.  LMAO!!


  • creamer444
    783 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 1:48 PM

    max balls r good means people like me with a screwed up meeter can enjoy the game again.

  • YankeeAirPirate
    124 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 2:36 PM


    Let me see what we can do, good idea

    That was back on 30 August. No clue whether this therad is still being monitored by WGT folks, but here's hoping that they are giving this thread some earnest consideration.

    Here's also hoping that WGT isn't inclined to do the loathsome 'market test' bit of ignoring all the sound and fury about the high cost and low longevity of the MAX ball, just to see how many will go ahead and pop the $6 bucks for a sleeve of them anyway. Seen it before. Float a gouge deal and if it shakes out profitable, screw the complainers. Money talks -- Customer Satisfaction walks.

    I, for one, have used my last MAX ball, even if still "gifted" (baited?) with a $25 or more deposit. I'm not one to try to drum up an outright boycot of the MAX ball until price/longevity is made reasonable, but the lack of WGT rep response lately might suggest that they are not taking these complaints and suggestions too seriously.

    As for me, I'll not touch another one. That'd be like enabling a snake oil salesman.

    At least 3 balls of Durability, under 400 credits per sleeve, or vuggem.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Mon, Sep 3 2012 6:20 AM

    As some one mentioned earlier, no one will constantly score in the 40's with these balls, i played 1 round with them and went back to the Nike's.  When you are used to the Nike's you prefer to have a fast meter & the longer distance than a slow meter and 10 yards short.  Any way, the person who dings each shot doesn't mean he will land close anyway as missing the ding seems much better when you have wind.

  • YankeeAirPirate
    124 Posts
    Mon, Sep 3 2012 7:35 AM


    Yes they are very expensive but consider what you'd go through in the bar if you weren't playing WGT at home, for me they will be used on very special occasions and it's nice to treat yourself now and again.

    At the end of the day its just another product you may wish to buy or not, nobody is forcing anyone, besides I manage quite well on 2 spin 49 credit balls - you can get on MOST greens with them, even the difficult ones if you take a considered approach shot.

    All well and good for you, goldeena. But consider that we're not talking about a REAL golf ball. The MAX ball is nothing but a code snip, a mathematical algorithm. It's not like more expensive materials went into making it. So why the exhorbitant price tag?

    Look, golf is a competitive game. I know very few people -- on WGT or in The Real -- who are built of the stuff to stay satisfied on the non-competitive driving range or who enjoy best the non-competitive solo round. It's not a failing of character to want to do your best, it's human nature to compete and a "friendly" quarter game, for most, is a kazillion times more fun than the bar you reference, or the dreary prospect of nobody to play with or against. Even a solo round of Ready Go is competing against the scores of others, and that's for more real money than the "friendly" quarter Nassau out there in the real sunshine.

    But you're certainly right. Nobody is forced into buying the more expensive items of equipment. We can all just go along to get along. Keep shelling out real money in deposits to replenish lost or dead balls, not compete in any games for credits, be placid little sheep, drink our milk and go to bed early.

    OR, politely suggest that a price point or some other value factor of an item is out of line, and request consideration. Again, it's not that these MAX balls are made out of any sort of exotic materials or that some geek named Becky had to be called in from Siberia to program them. One little tweak to the algoritnym and all the olphardts are, to some appreciable degree, equalized with the young bucks. If that's not a valid consideration, then why do REAL golf courses offer senior tees?

    Nutshell -- the 5-ball FEEL factor to slow the swing meter is a valuable feature to an olphardt like me. And the sacrifice of distance and spin, while not relished, are acceptable as trade-offs. But the price and Mayfly-like lifespan rating are nothing short of a punishment, and a gouge. There is no reason for the exhorbitant price and 2-ball Durability rating other than the same motive that animates the Sham-Wow hustler. NOT a customer-friendly move, WGT.

    3-or-more balls Durability -- 400 credits or less in cost, PLEASE!

  • Willsstrs
    632 Posts
    Mon, Sep 3 2012 6:40 PM


    So wgt just says who cares and screw you, actually to me, and other limited income people. Thanks, but I am not able to afford it, it does nothing for me. Might as well make this a paid site. Would not be much different than paying for credits anyways

    I would say that WGT is both a free and a paid site.  I joined earlier this year and soon realised that whilst I could play for free I would need to deposit cash to enjoy the game to its full.  

    This needn't be a problem.  If you want a decent game experience for nothing, why not set up a CCC that has rules regarding equipment; members can then play each other on a level playing field without having to splash the cash!


    I have spent very little (something like $10 to get my first set of decent clubs) on this game and I am a Legend with decent earnings and profits from ready-go's...I put the time into ampario and Opinionsurveys and all that junk to get a few credits, turned those few into more, and so on. It is possible to get thru this game without spending any cash. 

    And then there are those who don't invest the time and try to take the easy way out. This is fine if you are willing to shell out cash every week or so. Its just like real life. If you take the short cut it will bite back.

    If you're complaining about the price, it is your problem, not WGT's. WGT is putting out options. I could enjoy this game just as much by just playing cc and random multiplayer games as a tour pro with low level G10s, not spending a dime, not competing against sandbaggers scammers and other things. If you don't like what they're putting out, then JUST DON'T BUY IT!!!!!!!!!! They can't charge you $6 for 3 golf balls if you don't buy them. You can still play the same game! Nothing changes! At least they have the option for people like me who actually enjoy hearing that magical ding more often. 

    The only time I believe it is justified to complain is if they replace a rpoduct with a new, more expensive one. Take the G20s for example. They doubled the price just to cut the meter a little bit! I loved my G10s and loved how little they costed. Almost everyone had a set of them! I still clear the dust off em every once in a while and play a round with em. They got rid of one of the hottest products, which irritated me...

    The key is, if you don't like it, just don't buy it! You don't have to quit the game just because something you don't even have to buy came out!

  • Willsstrs
    632 Posts
    Mon, Sep 3 2012 6:47 PM

    And by the way, I am better off with Max than Nike. I have done the calculations and I make back the extra 150 credits plus more, so I am still gaining credits! They are completely worth the extra buck fifty (at least in relation to nikes)...

    now if you aren't into credit games, then they are not worth it at all...stick to the callaway i(s) value...