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Uneven lies...HERE WE GO :-)

Sat, Dec 29 2012 12:34 PM (184 replies)
  • droflac
    9 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 10:33 AM

    I agree with many of the posts above: the effects are WAY too strong. It's far beyond realistic.

  • RyjaTybas
    5,153 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 11:09 AM

    Taking account of lies is one big factor missing from WGT - and I've often wondered about it.

    The good old Links PC game - which WGT echoes in many ways - indeed took account of lies.

    But it also had dedicated draw and fade options (though still requiring a ding)... and I agree with all those who say that these draw and fade options are needed if lie is to be introduced big time.

    Trying to miss the ding is not good practise!

    But the start of something good hopefully!

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 11:23 AM

    We are never going to be able to get close to pin any more.  I had a 22 yard bunker shot from slight up hill lie, i hit my 60 yard wedge with 37 feet of power and ball goes 10 yards!  Who's to say if next time i would hit same shot & same distnce to pin but hit my 60 yard wedge full power (thinking 37 power only hit it 10 yards) but 60 yards of power makes ball go 40 yards!  Its just a licence for WGT to deviate our shots 15 yards long or short.  Why not soften the lie yardages until people get used t it.

  • mgbirish
    4,019 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 11:26 AM



    Slopes in the rough and bunker are finally as challenging as they are in real life.  Where you land your ball really matters now.


    I love this feature and I know it still needs to be tuned but I'm having a ton of fun playing. But please note we know making the game a challenge is not for everyone and we want to make sure that we give you choices. But for the best of the best or just those who like a challenge, this feature is for you.

    I am not even close to be one of the best but I LOVE the challenge!!. 

    Let me put it this way: I rather spend my time & credits on uneven fairways & championship greens trying to get a TOUGH 70 (2 under par) that what I am doing at the moment...getting all my ranked matches under 30/60 to reach the 100 ranked matches for the TL....boring!

    It is obvious this new features are NOT for everyone but for the ones love & who are passionate about this game.

    ....just saying.


    I like the concept but it is severely flawed, good luck shooting a 70 LOLserver, you maybe good enough, not me!



  • swdeva
    238 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 11:29 AM

    Nice Practice feature ONLY. Lets keep this game as real as possible. Where in real golf do you have Uneven lies feature? you dont.

  • rockinroland
    214 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 11:37 AM

    this is insane. no way to tell how much of a uphill or downhill. Had a shot 10 yds . grid was green(both) hit 12 pitch and it goes 5 yds.Had a shot 125 out, rough 20/25 and on a slope grids green, hit 150 and it went 86 yds. Way to extreme for me.  At this rate I will not be playing this game much longer. It will take a month and $200 worth of balls just to even come close to breaking par. Not going to do that. It's back to penny poker for my entertainment.. 
    I  hope they rethink this.I think they will lose a lot of paying customers. and they can forget about new players staying very long.. Way to extreme WGT

  • joofcorn
    188 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 11:45 AM

    Just finished my first round with the uneven lies, and this was my take as someone who does golf a lot (usually 2-3 rounds a week) and am also fairly good (handicap around 9) so I know first hand the effect that the lies has on the ball flight.

    As with most others it appears the effects are blown WAY out of proportion.  With only a slight left to right hill (maybe a couple of degrees based on the graphic they give) I had to aim roughly 10-15 yards left of the pin from around 140 yards away, and it still went too far right (with a ding and small wind at my back).  Also I feel i should point out that the ball being above or below the feet is more about what happens AFTER the ball is struck.  If a ball is above my feet (right handed) it will start off to the left.  However, AFTER the ball is struck it will continue to draw left.  I did not notice this at all in the game, instead just noticed the ball starting really far to the left.

    As for the uphill, downhill lies also seems to be over exaggerated.  In the game I was hitting off a slight uphill lie (113 yards small wind left to right) and I picked up a club the hits 130 yards which was one club up from what I would normally grab.  I hit a full shot with no spin added and it landed at roughly 95-100 yards.  I may as well have been hitting into a 30 mph head wind.  I would have had to go 2, maybe 3 clubs up to get that distance on only a small uphill lie.  Not often when I am out golfing do I have to go more than a club up due to the lie of the ball, and when I have to, I am usually on a substantial hill (maybe 20 degress or so).

    Having said all this I like the idea, and the direction this may take the game in.  Nothing wrong with a little challenge, but this needs lots of tweaking.   If the current effect the lie has in the ball was halved, It would be a lot closer to realistic.  Please tweak, because I would love to see this in tournaments.


  • Xanthianpython
    2 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 11:55 AM

    It IS time to add to this game, but I am afraid my observation is the same as most others will prove to be! If the lie feature gets added, as is, you will reduce player numbers & revenue over the fact that it is way out of proportion & unrealistic! I play live golf, as well as, enjoy WTG! Never had a slight lie any direction with so overblown results! It should be tuned down to a reasonable degree!!! Or, observe live resultsfrom the same degree of lie & then determine what a reasonable setting for this feature would benefit the game and WTG!!!

  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 12:25 PM

    well WGT, people DID ask for this ..

    but clearly a lot of fine tuning is needed here .. i would go as far as to say that the effect should be reduced by up to 60% to bring it closer to what happens IRL ..

    it would also be prudent to intro a genuine draw/fade feature before the the lie feature is finally rolled out into ranked games, AFTER reducing the current lie effect behaviour ..

  • Larrdawg69
    13 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 12:40 PM

     I completely agree with you dfDurbs!! Way to sensitive and would be very costly when you barely miss ding close to lakes and weeds etc. If this becomes a permanent feature you would probably end up losing many new players!!