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Uneven lies...HERE WE GO :-)

Sat, Dec 29 2012 12:34 PM (184 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 12:47 PM


    Aimed a little left for the Flop

    Without even looking at the replay I can tell you a flop is the wrong shot to use here and aiming left compounds the error. That lie is going to shoot the ball left without any correction and you aim it more that way. A flop is not practical because of the way you would have to contort the club face to lie flat on an uphill lie that severe.

    Sure enough, the replay shows the ball going left, exactly as you would expect for that lie. Because there's no club face adjustment you have to know that the ball is going left and aim it right. I would have pitched that shot to the right (with the aim) and it would have gone straight. The question of how far to aim is up in the air and probably a little skewed at the moment until it gets fine tuned by WGT.

  • Willsstrs
    632 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 1:02 PM

    WGT has WAAAAAAYYYYYYYY overdone it. I was on a flat spot on 1 Olympic, dots mving extremely slow and the ball comes up 25 yds short and 20 yds right.

    WGT needs to cut the direction variation in half and cut the distance variation in 1/8.


  • daddd1
    171 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 1:03 PM

    this is a no brainer, don't play to lose my hair. forget it.

  • goldfingers
    138 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 2:31 PM

    Uneven lies are very unrealistic. I hit a 9 yard bunker shot 40 yards on the meter.  

    Are you kidding me ..................  I came up 5 yards short.......  N o thanks.


  • mgbirish
    4,019 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 2:34 PM


    good luck shooting a 70 LOLserver, you maybe good enough, not me!

    Come now. If a duffer like me can hit par the first nine out, surely you can break par.

    Give RSG, or Olympic a try with the uneven lies, what a treat!


  • LOLserver
    3,522 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 2:44 PM

    Just played 18 holes at Oly. Yes, it will be a matter of skill the feature and certainly not for beginners, but as any learning process on any game, it is not that difficult to find greens from onward side hill positions/lies. Top players will be good anyways...know what I mean?.

    I can understand the frustration from many players who find the game already difficult, in their own skills, they are happy to finish par, it is indeed a great result for them. Certainly they should not play on uneven lies...totally unfair.

    Wgt will easily find out where & who to apply this or any other new feature....I just LOVE it.

    Btw, I many times flop from bunkers...."forget about it" with the uneven lies, hit full!. After several bunker visits you will find out how to aim & how much power to hit. The ugly lies; in the bunker with downhill shots.....impossible, needs to be tweaked badly, but again, like in reality, you can hit out of the bunker in the opposite direction of the flag, pros do that often.

    LOL...a 70 would be AWESOME!