The uneven lie feature needs to not just be "tweaked"
It needs to be OVERHAULED
With fairway approach shots..The distance punishment for up or down slopes is way out of proportion to the slopes represented...and the left to right is the same
With shots around the green and in bunkers...the problem is even worse. I have some shots that are just totally unplayable
I just had a 25 yrd bunker shot on the 2nd at Kiawah out of 30-40 %
it was showing a slope that was uphill (real life about 15 degs) and a little left to right
I hit a full 64 deg (60 yrds) Cleveland with 5/6 power and dinged went
5 YARDS!!!!!!
Come on WGT that is NOT realistic that is FANTASY LAND!!
another example
I had a 120 yard shot at the 1st at Bethpage
Horizontally flat lie with ball JUST below feet (dots hardly moving) ...4 mph left to right wind
I allowed 6 yrds left aim and hit a 120 yrd r11 wedge FULL power and with half TOP and dinged it....... It finished 6 yrds right and only went 112 yrds
I understand that there are going to be teething problems but fair dinkum did any of the staff there at WGT actually play a game of uneven lies BEFORE its launch?
It sure doesnt seem so.......