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New Uneven Lies

Wed, Sep 19 2012 5:00 PM (15 replies)
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  • cip1957
    346 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 8:59 AM

    Played several rounds today. Bunkers in the red force you to hit 90yds for 15 yd shot which is a bit unrealistic as are side hill lies in the fairway. Flat lies with side hill 

    Iv'e played Links for years and favor the edition of side hill lies but you need to be able to draw and fade the ball ( not hitting late or early on the meter ) before you introduce this option. Please work on the draw and fade option than let us test the model and tweak it. Without that option it won't work!!!!

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 11:34 AM
  • strikerseasy
    65 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 12:51 PM

    here is the lie problem as i see it.. golf steps are normally taken to effect the lie.  move your stroke forward a tad or to the rear a tad will effect your bad lie shot we see this all the time with the pros..  the solution in my view is to adjust the shot slightly for the lie  like maybe 2 ft or 3 ft  no more then that .  that way we can compensate by our stroke left or rt..  i played a computer golf game years ago where you had to adjust your aim with your feet rt ft forward toward the ball or way left away from the ball.  this  really complicated your stroke decision.  i dont beleive we need to go through that.  just adjust the shot minor distance left or rt depending the lie and short or long a tad      TAD being the key word here  imho   joey  er strikerseasy

  • Keithito
    1 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 1:04 PM

    I played a round with uneven lies today. Huge problem, as noted earlier, is the sand shot -- flops don't work at all; requires absurdly strong (and impossible to judge) full wedges to get them out; and even then, a severe upslope can lead to a shot going up and behind you, a la Mickelson. I made two 9's on Congressional front nine thanks to that bunker distortion. Also, as noted earlier, unless you can properly fade/draw, seems a bit tough to implement sidehill lies.

  • cadillac1961
    268 Posts
    Tue, Sep 4 2012 9:07 AM

    please do it for all ........ ore nobody.

    The last days this gimmik is changin the games in all forms and tier !!!!!!!!!!

  • edmunda
    2 Posts
    Wed, Sep 5 2012 8:52 AM

    as oted above, the uneven lies out of the bunker at Congressional were not well-adjusted, go back to the technical drawing board

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Wed, Sep 5 2012 3:58 PM


    as oted above, the uneven lies out of the bunker at Congressional were not well-adjusted, go back to the technical drawing board


    I've played a lot with the uneven lies and I think the bunker lies are now corrrect. There's no way if the ball is 30-40% burried and on an extreme uphill lie, that that you could get it out with such an easy swing. Swinging much harder to dig it out of a burried lie is normal and correct. I've seen a ton of pros have to swing what looks like very hard to hit the ball out of bunkers and it only flies 10-15 yards.

    I played a round with the regular lies and it was funny now. I hit long on a green and had the ball stop on an extreme downhill lie toward the green. Simple little flop shot like it was lying flat and I'm 2 inches from the hole. That's what's unrealistic. No way I could have hit that shot in that manner IRL.

  • Mike0424
    46 Posts
    Wed, Sep 5 2012 6:04 PM

    I played Kiawah in a tournament and on the 14th my first shot ended up in a bunker up against the wall closest to the green. The next shot, my caddy (the computer) recommended a pitching wedge at 115 yds. Remind me to fire him because he cannot read a green (though I am no better). Guess I will keep him as he is fun to laugh at.  I hit it onto the green within 20 feet and two putted for bogey. In real golf (which I only know from the Golf Channel) this would have been an unplayable lie which would have only gave me three options. Each option comes with a penalty stroke. Of course I can attempt to advance the ball at my peril. Had I taken the shot that I did, the very best I could hope for would be to hit the lip. None of these options would allow me to make better than bogey. Suggestion: Along with uneven lies, have a button that says unplayable lies and turn it on for tournaments. Lets see some of those unrealistic averages go up where they belong.

  • Imbroglio
    26 Posts
    Wed, Sep 12 2012 1:03 AM

    Having played several rounds with uneven lies on now, I think the amount of correction one must make in setting the aiming point is absurdly large for most sidehill shots.  Likewise, even a slight uphill or down hill lie seems to take huge chunks of yardage off the shot distance rather than the subtle difference one experiences in real golf.

    I wish it worked well because it adds another element of realism into an already excellent game, but only if they get it right.  Currently, it's pretty ridiculous.

  • gemiller
    6 Posts
    Thu, Sep 13 2012 7:33 PM

    I think the uneven lies option is a joke. It is unrealistic and makes the game less enjoyable. Thank God we can still play the ool way. Sand shots are terrible.

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