I've played with people and had them leave and I've left games, I don't understand what the grief is all about.
Why are people letting this get to them, life is way to short to whine
about this to the point that wgt ( the people who are netting in the
neighborhood of tens of millions off of us annually by the way ) has to
stick some inane percentage restriction on your account....
In fact I've left games, for a number of reasons not just because I was having a bad round. ..., for the money that I've kicked into their billion dollar baby I'm of the opinion that they should've told you all to have a coke and a smile and shut the f.. up
Equally unfortunate is there are people who whine about this Minor inconveinence.
With all due respect, Other people spend money here and for you to proclaim moral superiority while completely discounting this fact is disingenuous. Also you grossly over-estimate how much revenue this site generates by many magnitudes.
You want to buy me a coke or some balls for wasting my time and ball wear when u quit or drop for whatever reason? The reason is irrelevant, the result is the same.
Complaining about time and money being wasted by quitters isn't whining. Also its not a minor issue, it runs rampant here, hence this "fix". So far, the cure is worse than the disease.
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I was just in a stroke game with another 100%, he disconnected after
the Tee off,which is fine, stuff happens. I was forced to wait 5 minutes (annoying and a waste of
time), then it put me back in the game, although I was still subject to
shot timer, which is only a minor annoyance.
The major annoyance was the load time of the shots after it put me
back in to the game and the long delay between executing the shot and
the animation of it, while the shot clock played on. After a few holes
of this, I "forfeited" (odd since there was no one to forfeit to, me
being the only player present)
Thankfully, I remain 100% completion ratio.
I see much potential for griefing here. Get a foursome going, "disconnect" , waste 5 minutes of 3 people's lives. Repeat. Ratio gets low? Blame someone else!
Good Luck with this feature, WGT.