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disconnect %

rated by 0 users
Fri, Sep 7 2012 8:12 PM (114 replies)
  • alosso
    21,059 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 4:52 AM


    Just not RIGHT when your p quit and then you lose 4% it happen to me to times now I'm @ 90% for what did i do to get that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's the team which doesn't continue, therefore a team quit.

    Ppl will have to become used to conceding games to avoid it. Those who don't will soon be spotted as quitters.

    OTOH, I suppose that a 90% will be a good number in the end, given the impossible returns due to system flaws.

  • shankerhook
    22 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 6:46 AM

    Whatever discount, do the math, if you buy golf balls at all ( maybe you diddle around for an hour or so and get credits from the surveys I don't know ) you alone can sock some money into it in a months time. Now I know this is hard but try to go outside your inner circle, try to go global. Now if your calculator can go that high, gestimate the upgrades.

    I never claimed MORAL SUPERIORITY, and though billions may be a slight overestimate I'll bet I'm a lot closer to the total than given credit for, it was part of a rant, got that. If given the opportunity I'd like to get you that Coca-Cola, glad you have your precious percentage intact.

  • jbiscuit
    314 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 7:42 AM

    So here's what I call a 'bug' rather than something worth a barely literate rant with caps lock on (see earlier in the thread, various):


    Played a few Alts since the update, percentage goes to 100%. Since then 3 games in which I have been involved have resulted in forfeit - 2 by idiot partners and 1 by the other team. I've lost % on each occasion and am now back at 90%. Surely if this continues I'd end up with some % in the 60's and be about as popular as Gary Glitter on a school trip. The tweak that this needs is to only reduce the % of the person who hits the forfeit button or disconnects? Otherwise the individuals % is not reflective of that players commitment to finishing games.

  • alosso
    21,059 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 8:01 AM

    A forfeit by the rules, i.e. via menu or in the lobby, should not drop the %%, nor should any action by the opposite team.

    A bug indeed!

  • Sobiss
    303 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 8:12 AM

     Staring at my start page while a person who Quit is punishment. this weekend twice a second player bailed because he could not wait so, on my ranked game we waited 10 extra minutes waiting to finish.There should be an option to remove a player from the waiting to reconnect screen. Once I had a WGT error please close window, closed WGTreloaded and bam the game was gone I had Forfeited. common WGT whats up with that? I've been playing this FREE beta for a couple years now and realize people Quit for what ever reason. It's going to happen I don't RAGE about it as some do, because its a FREE game. Instead of trying to publicize people's % why don't you tier the % of players and let them play with their own (i.e.: 90 % and up will play with 90 % players, 80-90 same ect..) 

  • Sobiss
    303 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 9:39 AM

     Waiting for someone who obviously Quit without the option to remove them is punishing. I've been playing this game for a couple years and one thing I've learned is people quit. What ever the reason and I want to believe most are justified and some are just having problems, It really doesn't matter. Some like to RAGE about it and thats cool too. The new system sucks, its not user friendly... but if you took the same idea and only allowed players with proven %'s play with the same and as players % goes up they will be allowed to join better more competitive games? i.e.: a & tier 100%-90%, 80&-90%, 60&- 80% and lastly 60% and below all play together regardless of their WGT rank.

     Lastly, if it were my vote I would say to WGT to stop trying to please everybody, they don't stay around that long. Us that have been around awhile would like best to see improvements in the quality and stability of the servers as well as the consistency of the game. This is the best Virtual Golf game out there and most all the players are respectful and grateful to have this outlet.

  • JasonEger
    21 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 2:04 PM

    Also seems to be another glitch. according to my message back from WGT, every game you finish will also increase you 3%... well ive gone 3 striaght games now trying to get off 87% due to wgt error screens lastnight.. and Yep still stuck at 87%.

  • anthony75
    1 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 5:02 PM

    I just sat here for 15min as one by one my playing partners bailed, I dislike quiters too but this waiting for 5min for someone to return is redonkulous!!! The worst part was this was on the last hole and all i had was a tap in to finish the round. Nice try wgt to deal with the problem but mabye cut the time down in half or something.


  • pinee
    71 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 5:22 PM

    The new % thing is a good idea, but only if it tell's the truth. It's a good idea because it will let people know who is and who is not a quitter. Unfortunately player's are loosing % through no fault of there own,because other player's either cancel a game or wgt throw one of there annoying game error's in there. Iam not a quitter but my % say's iam for some reason. It is not a fair reflection on my character and other player's character's who don't quit and have lost % in the same way. If wgt can solve the problem of recognizing who the real quitter's are and only take the % off them. Then it would be fair and we would know who quit's and who dosen't.