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Your Meter SUX

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Wed, Sep 12 2012 11:13 PM (10 replies)
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  • mranderson1137
    2 Posts
    Sat, Sep 8 2012 10:57 AM

    After having MAJOR issues with your WTG meter....Sure 22 yards=1 yard in a chip shot....not once but 3 times in a row - NO ONE AND I MEAN NO ONE PLAY GOLF THAT BADLY?? WTF is that about?  Also I have noticed and documented (since I am a software engineer) - whenever a player is having a GREAT game, not matter what your programmers will throw some weird bounce or I have even noticed the meter slowing down so you hit at a timing which is off from your WHOLE game....I have clocked your meter moving as much as 1000MS slower after being about 10 GREAT hols into a game.


    I have played you know for 3 months...your credit systems SUX - have to wait FOREVER to move up - this is GAME NOT REAL PROFESSIONAL GOLF.  IF I wanted to wait 20 years to become a golfer I would NOT be playing a GAME!!!


    Get it together or you WILL NOT be around

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Sep 8 2012 5:03 PM

    As a software engineer I would have thought you would have realised that your computer/brower/connection would be the cause of meter issues, not the game. I suggest you optimise your PC as highlighted in System Requirments. I personally have to watch what other processes/programs are running when I play as this also causes meter problems.

    Having played this game for only 3 months, all I can suggest is to practise a lot and you will improve. Also if you upgraded your equipment it would help.

    With your chipping, if you are more than 2 yards from the green, do not chip, it will only go 1 yard, especially on the US Open courses. Icon published a guide on chipping (look at FAQ) - read this, it will be of huge benefit to your short game. I have seen some truly bad shots on the real courses, this game is no exception.

    Remember hundreds of thousands of people play this game, have learnt how to play it and have no complaints (well a few lol) - do the hard yards, stop whining that the world is against you and you will improve. Yes we all hit rank shots from time to time, but accept it is your fault (or your systems) and move on.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Sep 11 2012 2:04 AM

    Mr. Anderson,

    1) did you check your browser / Flash? - since Aug 2 we've noticed and cleared numerous problems especially with Chrome and Firefox.

    2) Did you check the playing tips for chip&pitch there ==> ?

    More often than not, the proposals of the autocaddy are wrong in that respect, and the Starter wedges are crap IMNSHO.

    3) Cheap play, small fun.

    Did you ever think about buying better clubs? Those Starters are inconsistant (except the putter IMO), and the Starter balls don't do it any good.

    3a) Same applies to the "free credits" section. It sux big time, but, "There is no free lunch!" Rumour has it that a weird thing called "work" earns real money which may be spent here.

    4) Did you ever hear about the CDP bonus? If you play every day (one hole is enough), you'll get 880 XPs daily bonus, powerfully pushing up the levels. I earned about 250.000 XPs this way.

    5) Agreed, this is not professional golf, but it's a site for leisure and big fun - go out and grab it!

    Hit it straight m8!

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Wed, Sep 12 2012 11:42 AM

    Just passing through...

    Alosso, Alanti, I thoroughly approve of the direction this thread is heading. Good job being informative and helpful :)

    Mr. Anderson, I suggest you take heed of the words written by these seasoned veterans.


    Stay classy,


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Sep 12 2012 1:49 PM


    I suggest you take heed of the words written by these seasoned veterans.


    You're late m8, and I'm an Untouchable.

    angry edit: And if you edit my posts again, please show it, classy!

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Wed, Sep 12 2012 2:20 PM


    After having MAJOR issues with your WTG meter....Sure 22 yards=1 yard in a chip shot....not once but 3 times in a row - NO ONE AND I MEAN NO ONE PLAY GOLF THAT BADLY?? WTF is that about?  Also I have noticed and documented (since I am a software engineer) - whenever a player is having a GREAT game, not matter what your programmers will throw some weird bounce or I have even noticed the meter slowing down so you hit at a timing which is off from your WHOLE game....I have clocked your meter moving as much as 1000MS slower after being about 10 GREAT hols into a game.


    I have played you know for 3 months...your credit systems SUX - have to wait FOREVER to move up - this is GAME NOT REAL PROFESSIONAL GOLF.  IF I wanted to wait 20 years to become a golfer I would NOT be playing a GAME!!!


    Get it together or you WILL NOT be around

    Another conspiracy theory!  Wow, does not any one get it? 

    I refer you to an entry made by WGT Pizza on the forums today section titled, WGT Beta, thread titled, Re: Test Results.

    Now  lets get to this Kennedy thing again,  lol. My nickle.


    1,141 Posts
    Wed, Sep 12 2012 2:52 PM

    AFTER a BIG fat doooobie my brain move's slower than 1000MS... fer dang sure...:)

    seams fine to me.... but i'm not a software engineer  ... i just practiced alot ...

    i applaud those that posted above with helpful stuff... i do like to help folks too.. but i find it hard to when ones seam hell bent to prove the game is flaw'd ,,rigged or that some degree they hold should make them an instant legend.. 

    i kinda wonder ... did he get the degree in two months??  ..if you play real golf ? .. just how good were you at it in 3 months ?? 

    if you put on my cowboy hat ... guess u could rope and ride bulls too in a few months 

    sorry ... hate away at me2 Mr anderson sir .... that still wont make u get majically better..

    ONLY ..practice and dedication will ... as it does everything in life anybody strives to be the best at...


  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Wed, Sep 12 2012 3:41 PM

    I just dont get it .   So lets say that I am new to the game .  The game playes bad , And I can not win .

    Do I   # 1  ,, Dont play .  # 2  ,, read some of the helpfull stuff in FAQs .  #3  ,, go to the forums and say   "  Help please , and , Thank you "  ,, # 4  ,, Call my laywer , congress man . the BBB , say the game is fixed , And I want my mommy ,  ( sorry )

    I think that # 1 # 2 and # 3  would be the better choice to start off with .


  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Wed, Sep 12 2012 6:00 PM

    angry edit: And if you edit my posts again, please show it, classy!

    Darn, I was trying to help! What is a "grinst"? 

    I thought you were telling us that you were grinning :)


    Stay classy,


  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Wed, Sep 12 2012 6:05 PM

    seems everyone is a software engineer nowadays....i've seen 10 on here this past week.

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