Mr. Anderson,
1) did you check your browser / Flash? - since Aug 2 we've noticed and cleared numerous problems especially with Chrome and Firefox.
2) Did you check the playing tips for chip&pitch there ==> ?
More often than not, the proposals of the autocaddy are wrong in that respect, and the Starter wedges are crap IMNSHO.
3) Cheap play, small fun.
Did you ever think about buying better clubs? Those Starters are inconsistant (except the putter IMO), and the Starter balls don't do it any good.
3a) Same applies to the "free credits" section. It sux big time, but, "There is no free lunch!" Rumour has it that a weird thing called "work" earns real money which may be spent here.
4) Did you ever hear about the CDP bonus? If you play every day (one hole is enough), you'll get 880 XPs daily bonus, powerfully pushing up the levels. I earned about 250.000 XPs this way.
5) Agreed, this is not professional golf, but it's a site for leisure and big fun - go out and grab it!
Hit it straight m8!