it may have been only 60% but that 60% probably are the ones that spend the most here. So it might have been in their best interest to give the loyal 60% a free rental weeek end.
That may all be so - but the "regular spenders" - who buys anyway - are perhaps not the target of free rental weekends.
Those of us - that already spent a decent amount in ProShop - and will keep on doing that for balls and clubs and what not - are already "hooked". I dont think WGT is so worried about that part of their player base going away.
As I see it - free rentals are perhaps more meant for those players who have yet to experience how much your game can improve by upgrading equipment.
It just so happens that everyone of us gets to enjoy those weekends.
Those already buying are not the target group imo. And I think we shouldnt make any mistake here. Free rentals are ONLY hosted for one reason. To increase income. Not to accomodate existing buyers.