BeachedMulligan: This is ridiculous I want icon back.
This is ridiculous I want icon back.
yupps.....I like WGTPizza.....
but where's the forum God?
Icon's a decent person a guy with an extreme sense only bettered in size by his appetite for lush cuisine.
thebigeasy707:but where's the forum God?
I think you all need to think of a happy thought and chant "icon...icon...icon..." at your computer desk to summon this deity.
Stay classy,
it's all good then. :)
you do a great job too by the way WGTpizza. it ain't easy staying cheesey :)
Can you brighten the pink on my golfers pants please.
hmmm....I must have got it wrong...i chanted Icon 3 times but Milfshake appeared. the spell must have backfired.
WGTpizza: Did I understand your point, Andy? (and I hope I conveyed mine clearly) :) Stay classy,
Did I understand your point, Andy? (and I hope I conveyed mine clearly) :)
Yup and (loud and clear)....Andy
How about dealing with the sandbagging issue Pizza? Will you ignore this as much as Icon has? Do you know there is a "Professional Sandbaggers" Country Club???
Can you take a look at this 1 please Pizza
DAZZA501: Can you take a look at this 1 please Pizza
Yep. To be clear, I am not formally taking reports. I have many other duties that will prevent me from handling requests like this one-on-one. Feel free to send me a friend invite and send me a message directing me to anything you think I should look at, but I may not respond to everyone. I am only one pizza :)
WGTpizza:don't think of me as the police
I dont think we look at you that way ,, But I will be a good boy .
My name is OPY and I am a forum troll