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Heads Up- Errant Ball

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jun 3 2010 7:27 AM (10 replies)
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  • Ripped1
    56 Posts
    Sat, May 22 2010 7:59 AM

    I was about to buy credits to upgrade my irons and buy more balls but ....

    I bought a new computer and still have issues with the meter skipping. Unless WGT wants to rebate me for water balls due to meter skipping, I spent my last penny here.  Fun game but expensive( I know...relative term) if you want to be competitive at master level.  Oh and the meter is even worse when you use F11 function to go full screen. 

    meter skipping= When u click early because u want to draw...and it ends up near the end of the complete meter for a major slice/push after it "disappears" for an instance.

    Well, you got about $35 from me WGT...fair enough for the 6 months I played.


  • b0geybuster
    2,574 Posts
    Sat, May 22 2010 8:27 AM

    Two things:

    What browser do you currently use?

    and do you use game booster?


  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sat, May 22 2010 8:31 AM

    Rip, even the newest computers need optimized from time to time. The meter is the same for everyone and each member is able to deal with it accordingly. Members are still posting good scores on a weekly basis.

    I have a cheap Acer 3800+ and don't experience a whole lot of meter issues. I keep my computer optimized. WGT can do somethings to improve the meter, but can't fix it completely. It's an Adobe flash problem.

    I suggest you Defrag your computer and clear your flash and browser caches from time to time, and you'll have a descent swing meter. Is it going to fix it completely, NO, but it's a method that makes the meter manageable for all members.

    Use the search box and type, "Optimize your WGT experience" this should help your meter issue considerable.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Sat, May 22 2010 4:14 PM

    Chrome and GameBooster... that's a winning combination.


  • jcs89
    172 Posts
    Sat, May 22 2010 5:46 PM

    I'm convinced that the meter issues don't have a lot to do with the power of the computer.  My older computer at work has a much smoother meter than my gaming computer i have at home.  Both experience the occasional stutter, but the smoothness of the meter is noticeably different....not sure why.  Gamebooster, however, does make a big difference.  I use chrome on my pc at home.

  • Ripped1
    56 Posts
    Tue, Jun 1 2010 7:02 PM

    Thanks for the gamebooster works...and WGT owes you credits for your recommendation for i just spent another whooping 20 bucks to upgrade irons...wedges and putter next?   Also,  since i am more comfortable w/ game  I started playing against peeps online and finished 1 of 5 matches.  The 1 game...The one I was losing the whole way(well after 3). Everyone else quit on 9 or earlier.(No need to name drop) WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL. FINISH the match.  Must be the handicap sandbagging. Any1 for a match?

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Tue, Jun 1 2010 10:14 PM

    Glad you got it squared away, Ripped...  I'm game for a match anytime.  

    I like to finish all the rounds... (witnessed by the +9 at the Oakmont Qualifier).. from all the courses.

    Peace and welcome back.

  • AlaCowboy
    1,321 Posts
    Wed, Jun 2 2010 4:15 PM


    Chrome and GameBooster... that's a winning combination.


    Careful. Your nemesis might be lurking.  :)

  • chipshotcharlie
    538 Posts
    Wed, Jun 2 2010 4:53 PM


    Glad you got it squared away, Ripped...  I'm game for a match anytime.  

    I like to finish all the rounds... (witnessed by the +9 at the Oakmont Qualifier).. from all the courses.

    Peace and welcome back.

    Only +9 ill never play you, i`d get whooped as i`m+6 after 3 holes and i`m now in the corner in a fetal position.

    A Devastated CSC

  • MacDermot25
    25 Posts
    Wed, Jun 2 2010 6:45 PM

    Well i play WGT on a Mac, never had any issues, meter runs smooth, only get a skip about once every ten games!

    Love the game, and love the mac!



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