The counter argument to my proposal makes zero sense. That argument is that WGT will profit more by ball sales when they require me to play longer to qualify for improved clubs. (It has to be ball sales, because I can't buy other equipment.)
Why do you bother to answer to a tiring argument? Why do you fatigue us with personal attacks? You only show how wobbly your position is ;)
It's not only the balls but also any intermediate club set which players will frequently buy. The average player might buy four sets on his way, perhaps G10 (lvl 18), G20 (lvl 59), G20 (lvl 83), and R11 at last. Any shortcut will cost WGT 20-30 bucks.
The fact that someone refrains from buying any of the intermediates doesn't prove the argument wrong - it's just personal preference.
Alas, I agree that balls are the real income, and a recent post shows an excellent example for good revenue of the reservation. This guy plays 10 hours and more per day to get to the level for the highly desired R11s - must showel waggonloads of credits towards WGT, regardless if he or others (in matches, RGs and the like) pay for it.
I'm sure that the average player will play less once he has achieved the coveted goal. What else is there to gain? (yes, I know of the money list etc.)