hyena64: would it be possible to ask him if he knows when the "optimizations" he spoke of meter wise will be accomplished
You can count on the fact that any information he knows will be communicated through me. We talk a lot, as you can imagine, but he is a busy man and does not have all day to talk on the forums like I do :)
hyena64: And by the way, just what keeps you guys from being able to discuss "certain aspects of this business"? Is it legal issues, security, fear of response, or what?
I choose the answer: D) All of the above.
You have typed a very basic-level list of why we are unable to communicate certain aspects of our business. The "fear of response" would be more accurately stated as "fear of over-committing to something that we may end up not being able to deliver" I can't go in to our legal policies and outline each individual law businesses in our industry must follow, but you are welcome to do some research on your own, or read our Terms of Service.
I offer transparency limited to our legal and ethical obligations.
hyena64: Maybe our definition of the word differs, but when you actively tell someone there are things they can't know about & don't even tell them what they are or why, you must expect suspicion & misgivings.
If a person told me that, I would consider them two-faced or at least not completely forthcoming. If a business told me that, I would respect their decision, or take my business elsewhere. I don't mean to sound harsh, but you must understand that we are running a business.
Stay classy,