For example my computer setup is as follows:
Here's what I find based on things not in the min sys req's
Asus P5LD2 motherboard with 2 gig of ram
The ram has very little to do with this game as it uses very little.
Nvidia GT 240 display card with 1 gig of ram.
Here your on to something...Your card has a memory bandwidth of 54.4 GB/sec. Which is adequate to play this game screaming is in the + 100 GB/sec range. Anything from35 GB/sec or less will possibly have meter stutters because of the slower video speed. Also In your Nvidia settings you can help game performance by changing your Phys ex settings to your monitor lessoning the load on your Cpu.
Philips 246 EL wide screen monitor setup with 4/3 aspect ratio with a resolution of 1024*768.
If possible change your refresh rate settings to the fastest possible.
3.0 Ghz; dual core Intel CPU.
Since this game runs primarily off high cpu usage this is where the need to shut off all unnecessary Start up programs, auto updating programs, processes, tasks & services come into play, especially I would venture to say if not using a quad core cpu. Cpu usage can be checked with a cpu/ ram meter that can stay on top when you play the game. Your swing meter can be effected from little to very much if you release your swing during a high spikes in Cpu usage.
XP o/s
Not sure on this some say xp plays better, I use windows 7 Pro and don't see any problems on it.
PCI Audigy sound card
Sound card only comes into play if you are using it to play music or something of that nature while you are playing a round on wgt which would take up valuable cpu use or if you have soundcard programs that aren't necessary running in the background.
500 MB fixed virtual pagefile.
This can help if your running a less than a 7200 rpm hard drive. A better way for VP is to use a 2GB or better Flash drive set to Ready Boost as it can process information faster than virtual page filing off of your hard drive. Here again unnecessary if one is using a 7200rpm or better hard drive
All drivers up to date.
Although there is some culpability on wgt's part, a vast majority of the problems do exist based on one's system. Every system will run differently depending on what and how one's system has or is set to set up to run. Then you have to throw in how the various browser are effecting game play. And least we forget all of the variables what and how everyone plays using the internet. It would be impossible for wgt to effect how the game is played on every single computer even if it were a stand alone program.