If you're here for fun, keep reading....if you're here to make money, go no further.
Alan_M: Can I ask then if you guys pay to play if you're not playing for credits?
No, I watch videos for credits and use them to enter a cc tourney, if there is a fee, and then gladly hand them over to the winner.
Alan_M: Part of the challenge for me was keeping it all free.
It is free, and there are lots of ways to earn views/credits without breaking out your credit card.
Alan_M: I think the country club thing is something I've missed out on.
No you didn't! Go to the top of the page and under the "WGT Community" section click "Country Clubs". There is also a "CC" section in the main forums. There are lots of cc's recruiting new members, join one....seriously, I think you'll enjoy the game more.
Alan_M: I have to admit the most fun I've had recently was an A/S game where my partner couldn't hit a barn door, we lost but it was fun.
I have to admit, I met my AS partner back in Dec. 2010 and we've played together almost every night since then and we've had a blast! Win/lose, we don't care, but we have fun, and it doesn't hurt that we now belong to the same cc (see the connection there?).
Alan_M: The trouble I find is the moment a "Legend" appears int he game most people run away.
Those people are doing themselves a disservice, eventually people are going to move up in tiers, so why not start to learn the tougher greens by playing with someone of a higher tier, it will only pay off in the long run.
Don't give up Alan, find a club (maybe the one I belong to) and settle in.