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Do you agree that the 5 min. reconnect time is too long?

Fri, Jul 26 2013 6:37 PM (23 replies)
  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Wed, Oct 10 2012 7:14 AM

    I find with the % system only rarely now do players never return and the small %  that don't...Well, when they X'd you knew it anyway, either because of their attitude or what had transpired in the game ? So.. off to  the kitchen I go.......Andy

  • Quijotazo
    648 Posts
    Wed, Oct 10 2012 7:46 AM


    ... perhaps the starter of any game MATCHPLAY or ALTERNATIVE could make it 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, etc to 5 minutes ...

    What a clever suggestion esssy !

    I have noticed that my internet connection gets a little more vulnerable between 11am through 1:30pm, due to high traffic maybe.  I wouldn't get into any game under 3 min re-connection at this time of the day.  Anyway, taking your idea even further then, the starter should be able to disable the re-connection time option as well, and the other players should decide if they accept those conditions too.

  • Jiim527
    8 Posts
    Sat, Nov 10 2012 1:04 PM

    1 min is more than enough time to reconnect. WGT this was a bad move to introduce this GET IT SORTED or people WILL leave :(:(

  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Sat, Nov 10 2012 8:28 PM

    Depends on the cause of the disconnection. If my wireless router decides to change IP for no reason, it often takes around 5 mins to reboot.

    Silly router!!

    Excellent suggestion from Esssy - no cause for complaint if you know what the terms of play are at the start of the round.

  • Jimelz
    2 Posts
    Wed, Jul 24 2013 7:43 PM

    Five minutes is way too long.  Most times, other players (in a multiplayer game) will not wait that long and will disconnect, making for another long wait.  I think most people can reconnect in one minute. 

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Thu, Jul 25 2013 3:08 PM

    When it's not you that has had the game client go south, 5 minutes seems like forever.  However, I've been in a match game where the timer was ticking down to zero (from 90 seconds), then realized my game client had locked up when there wasn't any "too much time" warning.  After closing the game client and browser, then reloading the browser and logging back in, then loading the game client and clicking on "resume game", I made it to the lobby with only 15 seconds to spare.  

    So when it's you rushing back to your game, 5 minutes is fine.  Most times I get back to the game with time to spare.


  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Thu, Jul 25 2013 5:12 PM


    I do.  After playing three multiplayer games today and having four players just quit the game without forfeiting,   I came to the conclusion that the 5 minute wait time to allow a player to reconnect is way way too long.   I think 2 minutes is enough time for players to resolve pc issues and reconnect.    If you're like me you just want to play the game, have some fun, and not have to wait around because some folks get frustrated and quit because they hit  a couple of bad shots.  

    What do you think?

    When it is abused it is too long. But it wasnt enough time for me when I had an issue before. Was short by 30 seconds :(

  • WakeIsland
    213 Posts
    Thu, Jul 25 2013 6:56 PM


    No I think 5 minutes is about right. Sometimes you have to reboot your PC when you get disconnected. Mine takes a little over 4 minutes to reboot and reconnect to WGT.

    +1 five minutes is just about right, maybe four. They moved it to 2:30 awhile back and if you search the forum for 2:30 clock you will see that was a bad idea.  They kept if for skins but not Match Play (not sure why one and not the other?)

    My router reboots all the time and 2:30 was not enough time for me to get back, by the time I my router restarted, I had to open up WGT, click on Play Now, wait for the continue button, I never made it back by 2:30.  Having the option to choose your clock like your shot timer, or course makes the most sense.