I do. After playing three multiplayer games today and having four players just quit the game without forfeiting, I came to the conclusion that the 5 minute wait time to allow a player to reconnect is way way too long. I think 2 minutes is enough time for players to resolve pc issues and reconnect. If you're like me you just want to play the game, have some fun, and not have to wait around because some folks get frustrated and quit because they hit a couple of bad shots.
What do you think?
What do I think?
I think that if your situation is so bad that you need to reboot your machine,
you should gracefully give up the game and not force your playmates to wait,
unless you can boot and load client in 90 seconds.
the lobby should be for small things like browser crash, flash errors,
disconnections, and anything else that can be solved under a minute and a half.
90 seconds should be sufficient to clean cache log in and carry on.
need to rebooting is a rare thing, and thus shouldn't be a reason for such a long waiting time.