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Trial Pay does it again !!!!

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Thu, Dec 11 2014 5:56 PM (24 replies)
  • pjctas0822
    4,591 Posts
    Sat, Oct 13 2012 10:05 AM

    I did the offer for 2700 credits and guess what? NO CREDITS. I sent Trial Play a notice via using the Support link and nothing. Sent WGT an email about this and nothing.

    I want my credits so now what? Also now when I click on "support" and try to send a 2nd notice to trial pay....the offer doesnt even show viewed anymore. I have my proof and I had forwarded that proof with my opriginal contact to Trial Pay . NOW WHAT ???

    Its bad enough that everytime I decide to do an offer (trial pay usually gives the most credits for same offers) I have to jump hoops to get my credits . Why is that? How long do I wait before I contact again ? And how do I contact them now that there is no longer a link to do so using the support link for trial pay. Man I feel bamboozled again !!

    WGT please dont say its not your problem and that it is their problem. ITS YOUR PROBLEM TOO and I expect remedy ASAP.

  • bypass07
    1,360 Posts
    Sat, Oct 13 2012 11:05 AM

    i gave up on trial pay . rarely works peanut labs just as bad.

  • pjctas0822
    4,591 Posts
    Sat, Oct 13 2012 2:25 PM

    Trial Pay will pay . They better because while it is not alot of money it is totally illegal to advertise falsely even if it is under 10 bucks. I would hold WGT and Trial Pay responsible and I know how to go about getting it done. They paid up in the past but it took countless forum posts , emails , complaints etc etc and it was about a month later on something that should have been done in 2 hours.


  • pjctas0822
    4,591 Posts
    Sat, Oct 13 2012 7:55 PM

    How convenient Trial Pay doesnt even show my GoDaddy offer now. I aint going crazy and have 2 pieces of proof . I have the actual offer saved and my proof of purchase. This is bullcrap WGT .

    Why do you guys at WGT allow these continuos problems with your advertisers?

    What are you guys doing to remedy these continuous and blatant problems that affect your customers?

    I will try contacting them again using the support link but the problem is now the Bigdaddy offer is not there now so WTF. ????

    Someone at WGT needs to look into this and I have sent an email to customer support at WGT and Trial Pay so now what ?


    5,835 Posts
    Sat, Oct 13 2012 8:23 PM

    I have done that GoDaddy offer (twice) and been paid.

    (back when they didnt control how many times you did the offer)

    and have 2 pieces of proof . I have the actual offer saved and my proof of purchase.


    This will be enough to get paid, keep at 'em evewntually with your proof you will be paid.

    Once you have completed an offer it removes itself from the available offers to you.

    Why do you guys at WGT allow these continuos problems with your advertisers?


    The CEO of Trial Pay is on the Board at WGT.

    They are in Cahoots.

    I have sent an email to customer support at WGT and Trial Pay so now what ?

    Wait. Just a few days, then send the email again.

    But, remove anger and attitude from the email until you finally get no response.

    Then drop the Name Alex Rampell in your final email, and you will get action. It worked for me.

    Also did wonders for a friend who got no glory from Supersonic Ads, who found their list of Directors. He got paid within hours of him sending the full list with contact details.

  • pjctas0822
    4,591 Posts
    Sun, Oct 14 2012 12:20 AM

    Shrude I appreciate your concern and help. I am never rude in any emails I send. Well at least not the first few :)

    Yeah I know they will pay but then they shouldnt state 2 hours and or 15 mins etc etc . They should say when we feel like it :)

    I have obligations within my CC and need those credits and the longer they make me wait the longer I look foolish and I need them pronto. They  took my money pronto and thats what eats me.

    But again Thank You for your help.

  • lonniescott711
    4,204 Posts
    Sun, Oct 14 2012 2:43 PM

    Contact your credit card company and stop the payment.Explain the problem to them and they will fix the problem. When ever your credit card is involved, you can always stop payments, or reverse payments.That is how you handle these situations. Hope this helps. Happy Swinging.

  • pjctas0822
    4,591 Posts
    Sun, Oct 14 2012 4:25 PM

    But then I dont get my WGT credits and that is what I want. Ill be patient again and again and again. Its always an issue with this damn Trial Pay but they will pay trust me :)

  • pjctas0822
    4,591 Posts
    Mon, Oct 15 2012 5:15 AM

    In memory of PHILA

    Another day and still no Trial pay credits and now add supersonic as well. If it is not going to pay out in the time stated in the agreement then compensate people for your fook ups.

    But yet I wait for another generic email. And wait and wait and still waiting.

    So far total amount of credits owed 2700 from Trialpay on Godaddy offer

    404 credits for Mindpay survey from supersonic.

    And still I wait.

    WGT IF YOU ARE GONNA PUT THIS CRAP ON YOUR SITE THEN MAKE THEM PAY AS AGREED. How would you like it if it happened to you on payday and Mr WGT says when they pay then Ill pay you . GTFOH is what I would say.

    Yes now I am angry and rightfully so. I will check again later today as I give you guys more of my time and money to play.


  • pjctas0822
    4,591 Posts
    Mon, Oct 15 2012 9:09 AM

    The Saga Continues . Thank you for the customer support yet again WGT. Guess you cant teach an old dog new tricks eh.

    Phila this is better then your waiting for vids that aint never coming until you lie cheat n steal to get yours using HOTSPOT.