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penalty for quitting

Tue, Jun 1 2010 11:35 PM (63 replies)
  • riskaddiction
    23 Posts
    Fri, May 28 2010 1:12 AM

    too many players quit to pad their stats..   its time wgt enforces a penalty for those not man enough to finish the round...      

  • Woodsy747
    915 Posts
    Fri, May 28 2010 2:35 AM

    Read your wall mate before u call people quitters, sometimes there are reasons ie: drop out!!!

  • riskaddiction
    23 Posts
    Fri, May 28 2010 4:05 AM

    out of 30 or so multiplayer games..   only 2 times has everyone stayed for the entire round..        there are no "masters" in this game until people who quit lose their rank..  

    even sadder, the higher people are ranked the MORE likely they are to quit to protect that rank. .   its a complete joke..    Ive played against a few so called master players..  and EACH time they quit when they have a bad hole...    

    WGT open your eyes and implement a penalty system immediately...   as it stands now your player ranks mean absolutely nothing..  

     really a sad state of affairs for an otherwise great experience..     

  • kostmbsreporter
    4 Posts
    Fri, May 28 2010 10:23 AM

    I agree way to many people quit after they have a bad hole or if you get off to a good start on them. There should be some kind of penalty for quitting games. That is why I quit playing anothe golf game online is noone stays unless they are beating you.

  • TheLighterDark
    1,404 Posts
    Fri, May 28 2010 10:25 AM

    We'd all like to see that here, but as stated above, it's hard to enforce anything because there are real reasons that people quit.

    However, WGT is [going to] implement a feature that allows you to see the Play/Quit ratio(s) of any potential players, which will serve as said "punishment."

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Fri, May 28 2010 12:17 PM

    out of 30 or so multiplayer games..   only 2 times has everyone stayed for the entire round.. 

    Did you add those two players to your friends list? If you don't want to be quit on, don't play random multi-player matches. Start a friends list of people you know won't quit.

    Another alternative is to join the Ladders or Golfseekers. These are communities of WGT golfers who do not tolerate quitters. If you quit your matches, you get black balled, period.

    It's silly for you to say there are no Masters because people quit on you. Not all Masters and members for that fact are created equal. Find players that don't quit like yourself, and your quitting issue is solved.  : )

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Fri, May 28 2010 12:35 PM

    No, you can't penalize someone with their rank.  That will only encourage more sandbagging and cheating.  Masters who have no way to go back to pro aren't quitting to protect their rank... their average maybe, but not their rank.

    And, to expand Richard's points.... Let me repeat something...

    People are going to quit.  Get over it.  It has happened since the beginning of Stroke Play, it continues today and will continue as long as this game is on the internet.

    Don't get your blood pressure up...

    There are ways to play without quitters.

    1. Play on the Ladders or GolfSeekers.. both fantastic sites that add a whole new dimension to this game and will allow you to play with like minded individuals.  Folks on those sites are here to play golf, not just fudge their averages.
    2. If you don't want to play with quitters, STOP PLAYING RANDOM PICK-UP GAMES.  Play with friends only.

    If you think that WGT can do anything to stop quitting, you're just kidding yourself.  They are trying to implement a 'reputation tracker' to give others a heads-up to how many games an individual completes, but that won't stop quitters.. They will still bail at the first sign of trouble.  Fiddling with their scores, or trying to 'penalize' them is a waste of time and resources.

    I would much rather that WGT use those resources to make more courses, stabilize the swing meter for most (if not all) players, and offer us a better product altogether.

    So.... play the Ladders or GolfSeekers (great folks at both sites), make new friends and play all the complete games you want...

    Or, continue to play random MP games and be 'surprised' when you're left standing all alone on the course.

    It's your choice.

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Fri, May 28 2010 12:50 PM

    Sheesh, I think Eve quit on Adam.  Or the other way around. 

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, May 28 2010 12:56 PM


    Sheesh, I think Eve quit on Adam.  Or the other way around. 

    Think there was a snaike involved in that one. Oops, meant snake.

  • Soulcatcher
    1,970 Posts
    Fri, May 28 2010 1:08 PM


    Think there was a snaike involved in that one.

    Funny.....I thought we lost him to the dark side with THIS one.