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WTF ?????

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Sat, Oct 20 2012 6:46 AM (27 replies)
  • Hogfray18
    9 Posts
    Mon, Oct 15 2012 12:11 AM

    Why does it wait until the LAST putt to say tournament dealine has passed??????  Am  under and this happens !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Say it at the start !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, Oct 15 2012 8:39 AM


    it depends on a tournament but it they all have hard deadlines, so if it passed during a round, it will say so at the last putt.


  • BOBTX61
    311 Posts
    Wed, Oct 17 2012 1:33 AM

    WGT..............this happened to me too.....TODAY.

    I was aware that the TIME for the the Tournament to END was near....but, that I felt I had time to finish my 18 hole round.  My AVATAR actually had his PUTTER pulled back to hit a 2 foot putt for PAR....which would have given me a much needed score of 69.......but, BEFORE the PUTT was completed.......................SUDDENLY, a message came up and stated the TOURNAMENT ROUND HAD ENDED..................ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!!!!!!

    This isn't the PGA......there is NO HUGE PRIZE or TROPHY at stake's "computer golf".....a game.  WHY can't WGT work these TOURNAMENT "TIMES" out so that they END at MIDNIGHT (Pacific time) on the last day of a ROUND???  Seems like that would be more FAIR to WGT members...........especially when you consider how much $$$$$$$$$$$ WGT is earning off of us.

    I mean, can't a player who has hit his TEE shot at least FINISH that hole.....or couldn't there be some type of WARNING......30 minutes to an 1 hour before a round or tournment is about to END???  Surely you have "computer techs" who could "program" this into fact, I know they could.

    When you're playing in several TOURNAMENTS and the DATES and TIMES are all's a pain to keep up with it all.  SEEMS like it would be a GREAT MARKETING ADVANTAGE if WGT would make these Tournaments......more user friendly.  On that FIRST ROUND of that 3 round tourament.....I hammered that course for 2 straight days....trying to put up my BEST possible score....even playing until 3:00 am in the morning.......going through a LOT of I did lose some balls in the ponds....and just wore out balls thru normal play.

    I KNEW I wasn't going to WIN that tournament.....I just want to stay competitive...but, this so called GLITCH......took me completely OUT of any possible chance to place in the TOP 5.

    And.....................I KNOW this SAME thing has happened to other WGT members.....they were making their FINAL PUTT as the Tournament ended............................nice.

    1,189 Posts
    Wed, Oct 17 2012 1:45 AM

    I mean, can't a player who has hit his TEE shot at least FINISH that hole.....or couldn't there be some type of WARNING......30 minutes to an 1 hour before a round or tournment is about to END???  Surely you have "computer techs" who could "program" this into fact, I know they could.


    They did. You have a clock counting down in CC tourneys (in one of wich this happened to you, judging by your blog post). So before you tee off on those 18 holes, you can check if you have enough time. The same goes for RG's, and we know all the rest end at midnight pacific time.

    They can't allow for someone to finish if he teed off, cause that would mean someone could potentially tee off, save & quit the game and hold up everyone for ages. Not that this would happen, but they need to eliminate the possibility of it happening.

  • borntobesting
    9,777 Posts
    Wed, Oct 17 2012 4:06 AM

    but, this so called GLITCH..

    It is not a glitch. Every CC tourney and ready go have a time limit. You must finish your round before the time limit expires. True maybe they should make some provision to stop your round when the time expires and not play the entire round and stop you on the final shot. About letting you finish, You might have missed the deadline by 1 minute or time Might have expired almost as soon as you teed off to start the round. It would not be fair to the players who started and finished their rounds before the time expired.

  • TamMcBam
    50 Posts
    Wed, Oct 17 2012 5:33 AM

    I play mine when i sign up to avoid this only makes sense.

  • Mrkewlohio
    28 Posts
    Wed, Oct 17 2012 8:58 AM

    first off just where is this "clock"?????????

    Why hasn't it ever been mentioned?????


    As for someone possible holding it up.....if the game is saved and time passes, the game program can sense this and do an automatic ending. Don't tell me it can not be done, I know better. If a game is going.....then as long as it is an active, current game, the program would be able to sense this and keep going. Anything else said is pure crap, and I dare deny this.


  • DarSum
    1,440 Posts
    Wed, Oct 17 2012 9:26 AM


    Why does it wait until the LAST putt to say tournament dealine has passed??????  Am  under and this happens !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Say it at the start !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Why do people wait so freaking long to play? You do know once that tournament fills up another comes up immediately.

    Nahh, let's sign up and wait until the last possible second to play it. Yeah that's it.

    Sign up and play.

  • BOBTX61
    311 Posts
    Wed, Oct 17 2012 9:42 AM

    To:  wgicon:

    Well..........this is all nice to learn.  But, what IF a WGT player loses a couple of balls and/or goes through a ball during that round.................WASTE OF $$$.  Nice.

    I AGREE with the WGT member who believes (AS I DO)................WGT should NOT allow a member to even BEGIN to play a round, it is not possble to complete the round in order to meet the DEADLINE.  Sure looks like just ANOTHER WAY.....or WGT to make more $$$$$$$$..........ya' think?!!!

    Guess there's just "no such things as..............too much PROFIT, huh?!".

  • borntobesting
    9,777 Posts
    Wed, Oct 17 2012 12:24 PM


    To:  wgicon:

    Well..........this is all nice to learn.  But, what IF a WGT player loses a couple of balls and/or goes through a ball during that round.................WASTE OF $$.  Nice.

    I AGREE with the WGT member who believes (AS I DO)................WGT should NOT allow a member to even BEGIN to play a round, it is not possble to complete the round in order to meet the DEADLINE.  Sure looks like just ANOTHER WAY.....or WGT to make more $$$$..........ya' think?!!!

    Guess there's just "no such things as..............too much PROFIT, huh?!".

    It has nothing to do with profit. I is the rule that everyone plays by. It is up to you to look at the clock before you tee off and figure out if you have enough time to play the round. IF the time is going to be close then don't play. It's that simple.