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WTF ?????

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Sat, Oct 20 2012 6:46 AM (27 replies)
  • BOBTX61
    311 Posts
    Wed, Oct 17 2012 6:53 PM

    Too funny, PUHOLINO...........well, I definitely have My moments too.  Sorry I got so defensive.....and I apologize for my offensive comments to you.

    Take care!


  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Wed, Oct 17 2012 7:21 PM


    Why does it wait until the LAST putt to say tournament dealine has passed??????  

    why wait till the last minutes to play the said tournament?

    i mean you get 12 hours to play it.


  • BOBTX61
    311 Posts
    Wed, Oct 17 2012 8:53 PM

    I didn't WAIT until the last minute to play that ROUND 1 of the 3 ROUND Tournament.....we had 2 full days to play each round.  It was unlimited play per round.  So, I played 7 or 8 rounds trying to put up my LOWEST possible score.  It was NOT a single play per round.

    On UNLIMITED play can play as many rounds as time will allow.........OK?

  • nat11
    1,638 Posts
    Thu, Oct 18 2012 1:38 AM



    On UNLIMITED play can play as many rounds as time will allow.........OK?


    IMO Try taking a bit more time and posting a lower score in the 1st place instead of hacking 7/8 rounds in

    I`m not saying you can`t hit them well what i`m saying is you say about lost balls in a previous post, cut your ball usage down by doing this instead of playing 7/8 rounds you might just find it helps save a few balls ! 

    Ps ...... Nicky clark is looking for you lol ! 

  • BOBTX61
    311 Posts
    Thu, Oct 18 2012 11:20 AM

    Hi Nat.............thanks for YOUR incredible WISDOM here.  Darn......IF I just had gone right ahead and hit a score of 57 on my first try in the 1st round of the Tournament I was playing.........I NEVER would have had to even play that round a 2nd time......geeeeezzzzzzzzzz.

    Listen, every WGT player does NOT have the same talent or abilities on this site.

    You DO REALIZE that very few LEGENDS make to the "Legend Tier" with less than 500 to 600 ranked rounds.....right?!!!  You haven't even hit 400 rounds yet.  Well, maybe you do take your time.......Hey, a LOT of players could take 5 hours to hit 18 hours and they still couldn't make PAR.  I feel SURE, that I'm not the only WGT member who plays a round several times in an effort to put up a LOWER score.

    I don't appreciate your sarcasm.........It's like you're saying "LOOK how great I am, LOOK how LOW my average is - play as well as I play and you won't have to play more than 1 time per round in a Tournament.

    I have had SEVERAL Legends give me great advise over the past 6 months......but, they were very kind and well as humble about the advise they gave to me.

    We're ALL trying our BEST here on WGT..........give me a break!

    You might want to tuck that "EGO" of your's back inside your panties.

    10,728 Posts
    Thu, Oct 18 2012 11:49 AM

    My AVATAR actually had his PUTTER pulled back to hit a 2 foot putt for PAR....which would have given me a much needed score of 69.......but, BEFORE the PUTT was completed.......................SUDDENLY, a message came up and stated the TOURNAMENT ROUND HAD ENDED...........
    I agree with you,In that situation you should get a 2 or 3 min final warning seeing as you were on the final green and only in this situation should this warning be given,Maybe wgt can look into this and give a player a farther 1 or 2 min grace time if they are already on the final green !! That could be a red light 2 min warning?,Anyway ranting in here like this Bob having a go at everyone won't get you this ,so you need to push this into the up coming products thread! and get that idea floating :)

  • BOBTX61
    311 Posts
    Thu, Oct 18 2012 12:34 PM

    You've offered up some GOOD ideas here "PRIESTESS"..........I'm not so sure that ANY suggestions I would make to WGT on this issue would get their attenton.  But, this WGT site has been up an running how long?........since 2007 or 2008.  Seems to me that BY NOW.....they would have had at least MOST of the BUGS worked out of the system.

    Hey, THANKS for your suggestions and ideas here!


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sat, Oct 20 2012 6:46 AM

    Dear Boss, I only appear to be late for work, you cannot hold this against me as i was actually on the train coming here at my starting time.....................

    Try that in the real world, see how you get on.


    Why can't WGT write coding to suit the individual foibles of all members.....