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Tue, Nov 27 2012 7:17 PM (16 replies)
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  • Edbeau
    98 Posts
    Mon, Oct 15 2012 6:20 PM


    Please either fix the swing meter or quit taking our high priced balls! This is robbery,,, I just bought a new sleeve of Callaway balls for 300 credits and your swing meter lost them in weeds or water.. This is criminal you keeping what we pay for... I spend a lot of money on this game but if this is not resolved soon I am through and will ensure everyone on the net knows...

    Its not my computer,,, top of the line new and expensive...


  • Timnator
    273 Posts
    Mon, Oct 15 2012 8:37 PM

    Browser?  Flash version? Have you seen the 100 other posts and suggestions on how to fix the meter problem>?


  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Mon, Oct 15 2012 9:45 PM



    Its not my computer,,, top of the line new and expensive...


    Then it's either your internet your browser or your version of flash player. 


  • Edbeau
    98 Posts
    Mon, Nov 26 2012 9:31 PM


    WGT has got to do something about lost balls,,, this is BS I have a new gaming computer, logitech G500 gaming mouse, changed to every browser suggested, cleared my cache what else is there beside quiting the game.. 

    This is in my opinion a criminal offense, I just bought 3 sleeves and they are gone, due to meter jumping, if WGT keeps this up I see no reason to continue giving them my money. I play a lot of games spend a lot of money and I hit 3 shots in a row aiming way clear of water, weeds or out of bounds and the meter jumps thus lost ball,, the thing that pisses me off is I can see the balls a foot off of the rough,,,, let me know something or lets shake hands and say goodbye to each other but there has got to be a way we as customers can stop WGT from robbery..... this is my first and only complaint I really hope WGT will respond and give something back to the game instead of stealing from us.



  • LeGeNdCrUsHeR
    2,067 Posts
    Mon, Nov 26 2012 9:45 PM

    This is in my opinion a criminal offense

    I can assure you, this is not a criminal offense.  However, if you feel that you have some form of argument for a civil case, contact your attorney and advise them you are seeking damages for lost balls.


  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Mon, Nov 26 2012 10:33 PM

    Take them to jail rich ask no questions. And when someone sends them 10 dollars let them get 1 chip for a bonus snack or when someone deposits 30 they will get 3 chips. Wait isn't that the same as the 10 deal? LMAO

  • LeGeNdCrUsHeR
    2,067 Posts
    Mon, Nov 26 2012 11:01 PM


    Take them to jail rich ask no questions. And when someone sends them 10 dollars let them get 1 chip for a bonus snack or when someone deposits 30 they will get 3 chips. Wait isn't that the same as the 10 deal? LMAO

    lol, to funny.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Nov 27 2012 12:14 AM

    This is in my opinion a criminal offense,

    Hmmm what can I add, get the best Attorney because you are facing a losing battle, no make that lost.

    The Defence Attornies first exhibit - Your average driving stats 70% - could explain lost/wayward balls.

    Second exhibit - your GIR stats, 54% (the court bursts into laughter) how you are not losing more balls is beyond the judge.

    Case dismissed but thanks for the amusement.

    Seriously, just because you have a new "gaming pc" means nothing if you do not confgure it for this game. The vast majority of people do not have issues because they have done so. The only time I have problems are when I have too much running, so tend to close most programs and processes. And when I hit a rank shot, I man up and not blame WGT.

  • LeGeNdCrUsHeR
    2,067 Posts
    Tue, Nov 27 2012 12:38 AM

    FWIW, I use a Walmart bought HP computer.  It's better than my 4200$ water cooled AlienWare with a 36inch monitor...


  • alpenpirat
    1,182 Posts
    Tue, Nov 27 2012 2:08 AM


    Browser?  Flash version? Have you seen the 100 other posts and suggestions on how to fix the meter problem>?


    Cant read this "Bla Bla" anymore.

    Last days Firefox wasnt working. And today best browser off all with WGT.

    The thing is, not we have to fix our Pc, Laptops & Others on the road. Its WGT how have to change a lot in the own system. But they dont like to hear that. Your mind of criminal rate is approved in principle, how earn money in this way. Custom equipe with bad quality. I dont know lot of companies they can live with this for longer times.


    But if you know to axcept the live from an old lady in the alternate years and their incontinence than you can be happy with this game here.   LOL .....


    regards from Alps



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