WGTpizza:I've passed it along to the higher ups
Pizza could you elaborate as much as you can on this process please?
Do you copy paste the suggestion into a document which gets passed to a single person or a group of people.
What is this single persons / group of peoples job?
Could you also explain your follow up process in this? So that if yu receive a response of 'it cant be done' or yes it is included in the road map, you could then pass the info back down to us?
I missed what Chad said you and Icons title is, it is 'Community Manager' or 'Community Mentor'?
or,... is it just as simple as sitting around the lunch table/ water cooler and stating to these 'higher ups' , "yeah Shrude is on about his CC tiered Tourneys again and some other dude said something or other about something or other" :o)
Just a brief explanation - bullet points, of the process would be cool so we in turn can offer you the correct method/ or format of these questions/ suggestions.