I had written this in another thread :
Hi WGTpizza.
I had made a suggestion and you said that you would pass it along so thank you for that. Again , I do not have time to read everything here but from what I can see , almost EVERYONE is saying the same thing : you guys are hurting the recreational player that only plays matchplay games for fun because his avg is dropping too much unfairly.
So let me make another suggestion if it was not done already :
Why not have ONLY the matchplay games for credits count for the avg dropping instead of ALL the MP ? That way , I ( being master ) will not be affraid to play a simple MP against a friend who is TM or legend !
And we all know that those ''sandbaggers'' play for credits and not for fun so I believe that you guys at the headquatters should focus on that and not put everyone in the same basquet.
Thank you .......caro
edit : I used to play a lot of MP ( never once for credits ) with friends but not anymore and I miss that because for me , it was a good way to get to know someone better.
...but I saw that my suggestion was already mentionned so here is my question : Are you guys gonna do something about that ? I hope so because that seems to be a very good and fair solution.