PUHOLINO: Is your current program capable of differentiating between scored and challenge mode?
Yes, I would imagine that we could differentiate the two.
PUHOLINO: P.S.: I would love to hear your "non-company"
Honestly, truly, it is my opinion that this anti-sandbagging system is aiding in the fight against sandbagging, throwing a giant wrench in the spokes of someone who would think about manipulating the system.
I'm sure the system has room to be more comprehensive, and I'm just as sure that when we find opportunities to improve it, we will.This is what we do at WGT :)
The way I look at the system is like this: Before it was implemented, people who were displaying skills that are higher than their tier denotes, and taking advantage of unknowing players, commonly known as sandbagging, was virtually left unchecked. After this system was implemented, people are now having their Tier raised if they repeatedly demonstrate skill above their tier.
And to further explain my disposition, when I read this suggestion I read it as "We like this feature, but how about we rearrange what game modes it affects". While that is probably within our capabilities, we want to be sure the current configuration is not the most optimal, which was, of course, according to WGT. We will need to continually monitor this feature and adjust it whenever prudent. During this time, we will intake threads upon threads of feedback. We wouldn't be able to grow the game to what it has become today without your feedback, so keep it up.
I want to remind everyone of something - I'm not the one stopping or starting the initiative to explore whatever is suggested. I am simply the messenger, back and forth. You've helped me understand this particular suggestion a while back and it has been suggested and is discussed almost daily within my department. Keep sending feedback, but remember that WGT can only move at the speed of business :)
Stay classy,