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Virtual Open Championship Discussion Thread

Fri, Aug 6 2010 10:23 AM (99 replies)
  • columbiacgt
    565 Posts
    Sun, Jul 25 2010 2:31 AM

    you need to look no farther than Round 2 of The Open Championship to see that not everyone gets the same wind directions and strengths

    True, but between round 1 and 2 the starting order is reversed, so that evrybody gets to play in more or less the same conditions if the wind picks up during the day. It is quite normal to have no wind in the morning and moderate to strong in the afternoon, and that's because of the sun heating up the ground and creating thermal convection. 

    On round 3 and 4 the leaders who start later might be disadvantaged and that would help a comeback from the back of the field, but the pairings are such that close opponents are playing the course close together and that evens up the luck factor.

    So, everything considered, I'd vote to play in the same conditions as everyone else. Or maybe let the wind change in speed and direction of just a small amount.  After all, the good players don't need to get information from others on how to play a hole with a given wind. 

    And while we are at it, it isn't realistic to have a headwind one one hole and a tailwind on another that are running parallel to each other. It might be nicer to setup the wind from a direction and to play the course like in reality, plus or minus some degrees or some mph. I'm sure the golf architects take the prevailing wind into consideration when designing the course.

    But  the best players have won, and that's the important thing.

  • BolloxInBruges
    1,389 Posts
    Sun, Jul 25 2010 3:45 AM

    I certainly can't complain about my wind set, definitely drew an above average one in the 2nd round.  Wasn't able to capitalize on them very well though with the unfamiliar pins missing 5 birdie opportunities with wedge approaches. (3, 5, 7, 10, 18, basically the easiest holes)

    Awesome putt Lee, especially given the circumstances.

  • overthetop2
    192 Posts
    Sun, Jul 25 2010 3:47 AM

    AvatarLee looks to have won this now with that 63, Bollix needed a 61 to tie but only got 63 himself.  The best guy that is yet to play needs to shoot 59 to force a playoff but with the winds supposed at Heavy for the 2nd round, can you really see that happening?

  • BolloxInBruges
    1,389 Posts
    Sun, Jul 25 2010 3:55 AM

    I went before Lee, would of liked to have seen his 63 first to be more aggressive in a few spots.  Had I gone out first in 61 it would of put a lot more pressure on him so it works both ways....

  • jbenny11
    863 Posts
    Sun, Jul 25 2010 5:43 AM

    Awesome putt Lee, that would've been a 10 footer for par if it did'nt go in. 17 might have played a little different if not for that great putt. Very fitting if the Open ends like this, well done Lee. JB

    337 Posts
    Sun, Jul 25 2010 10:16 AM

    Nice putt Lee...and if your total holds it will not be what the other players will remember.

    We will remember "The Redemption" round. 

    Thanks to both you and Bollie ("The Puttension" rounds at Oakmont) for sharing your shots and stories of these Tournaments.

  • dorkfeatures
    712 Posts
    Sun, Jul 25 2010 6:33 PM

    WOW - a real clutch putt that one. Awesome.

    I've had that putt or similar a few times, lol -  when I just misjudge that mound at the front of the green. I've had one or two second shots that have unfortunately sat on top of that mound and ever so slowly fell the wrong way - down into that gully.

    Congrats Lee - good luck.



  • dorkfeatures
    712 Posts
    Sun, Jul 25 2010 6:46 PM

    Hi All,

    One thing that I am a little concerned about with this great Open tournament,  is the number of players that have withdrawn from their second rounds.

    OK - I know there are many legit reasons, thats fair enough - no issue at all there, but just because you cant win it, doesnt mean you should pull up stumps and not bother.

    I unfortunately didnt qualify, but had I - would have loved to have played two championship rounds in the Open at St Andys - irrespective of my scores. For me and I'm sure many others of you, it would have been one of the high moments on this site.

    Those players that pulled out for no reason, other than not being able to win it  -  actually took the places of other players like me, who, had they qualified would have completed those two rounds no matter what score. Lets face it everyone knew the time frame beforehand, and I cant believe people couldn't have worked in that last round sometime.

    Sorry - thats just how I see it. Am sure I am not the only one.

    Fantastic competition all the same, and I take my hat off too WGT for organising it, and allowing everyone to have a go at it. Maybe I'll qualify next year - I hope so.




  • overthetop2
    192 Posts
    Sun, Jul 25 2010 8:32 PM

    I think it's fairly safe to say that BolloxInBruges is the best player in WGT right now with a combined score of 37 under par for the 2 tourneys, a win at oakmont and runner up at st andrews.

    On another note, anyone else surprised that pricehcs (the year-to-date money list leader before the Opens) didn't play in either of the championships?

  • lvietri
    3,326 Posts
    Sun, Jul 25 2010 9:33 PM

    Price is on Vacation .. didn't have access to his computer.