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Connection Issues causes me to lose 9 holes without missing the green

Wed, Aug 5 2015 3:45 PM (7 replies)
  • CptnCanada
    3 Posts
    Sun, Nov 4 2012 1:08 PM

    Hi there,


    Lately I have had issues with WGT and connection.  More than 60% of my games I have had people disconnect which freezes the rest of us or I get bumped by the WGT server.

    This has raised two issues: 1) My % age of completed games is getting affected so it makes it look like I dont complete my games which I do except for the fact that they freeze or someone causes it to freeze and 2) I just had a Blitz game where we were at the 9th hole and I took my backswing and the game froze!! Soon a message came from WGT that said they had experienced and error.  The worst part aside from not being able to finish the game is the fact that I was about to go 9 holes without missing the green once.  This is something I have never done and probably will never do again BUT i DONT EVEN GET TO ACHIEVE IT AND THE HIGHSCORE BECAUSE OF A CONNECTION ISSUE WITH THE WGT SERVER!!!!  ARGGH.

    Can you please fix this.  I know it is not my internet because I didnt lose connection with any other site I was on.  

  • Olelpaso
    149 Posts
    Wed, Jul 15 2015 11:18 PM

    I too, have been having these connection issues...and if you have to refresh, 3 times, you get DQ'ed...This sucks....I have only been experiencing this issue, the last 3 days...before that, never had the issue....gets very frustration, not to mention, folks don't want to play, because of my completion percentage......It is not my Comp...just had it in for a tune up, and everything was fine....PLEASE GET THIS ISSUE FIXED !!!!!!!!

  • fasffreddy1
    354 Posts
    Sat, Jul 18 2015 11:51 AM

    Just about everybody is having these problems.

  • JasonBlazer
    2,246 Posts
    Sun, Jul 19 2015 12:33 PM

    All weekend long, disconnecting constantly, better to shut the damn site down and fix it, folks....but it's probably ALL of OUR internet connections that are the problem, not WGT.....

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Sun, Jul 19 2015 1:49 PM

    It's been particularly bad these last few hours.

    Icon will have a lot to answer for when he returns.

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Sun, Jul 19 2015 2:16 PM

    Not sure if its anything to do with it but i have had no issues with Maxthon but plaing my son earlier (different house ;-)) and he was constantly spinning and he uses Chrome.

    Icon been onto me he says "clear cache blah blah blah"


  • Olelpaso
    149 Posts
    Wed, Aug 5 2015 1:06 PM

    have only been able to finish 2 matches, in the last 10, i have played. It is not my is everybody i have played with, and it has been going on, now, for 2 weeks. starting to wonder if the advertisers are upset, because they aren't getting their money's worth. so we disconnected, so we have to watch minutes of commercials...with 10 million, your number not mine, users, you would think it would be important enough, to fix......

  • greenmanfromg
    694 Posts
    Wed, Aug 5 2015 3:45 PM

    I have been kicked out 3 times today each one with a different message, now getting serious and beyond a joke.