Quijotazo:the system is not fair as it is now since no one really knows how many times a game is prevented by WGT failure or a player's quit.
The system is "fair" since it treats ev1 the same.
It's also true because it counts all the unfinished games. No pun intended, but you didn't finish at least two games, probably without own responsibility.
100% will not be the common number of "good" players, just because sh*t happens. I'm at 93% because of a call to duty for my playing partner and because I chose a wrong set-up for a scheduled tourney game, "quit" on the 1st tee. Add technical problems, connection, computer, this happens.
That said, it doesn't perform in the desired way because it doesn't isolate the players "responsible" for the unfinished games but puts ev1 in the same box. IMHO the number of collateral damage exceeds the true targets, that's the stone in my shoes.