I’m sorry but I have to agree. This % thing has changed the game. First let’s talk about how often something goes wrong with WGT. Often, we are frozen out of games; opponents leave the game incorrectly which again freezes the game. For whatever reason, the screen goes blank and you’re done. Now the worst; you are playing with someone who is upset or just and ass, and will not leave but makes the game miserable for all, running the clock and taking stroke penalties, or just sitting on their turn. As well as, using very improper language. I guess the only way to make sure you do not play with this type person is to only play with friends, but that’s not always possible. Now, you have loading issues. An opponent can’t load and your froze again. This can be one of many issues from, the computer, WGT, weather, job, family, or just the unknown. Hell, I even fell asleep during one game late at night and I was 5 under after 5! I really have no problem with someone quitting as long as they do it right and not kill the game for everyone. In fact, if they are playing really bad, it slows down the game for everyone anyway. And, most matches are slow enough. I really don’t won’t to play with someone who is upset and does not won’t to be there, just because I’m playing well. My point is, just because someone has a low % it does not mean they are a quitter. People have lives and yes it may make you mad but let’s not label people quitters with so many problems with WGT. As well as, being understanding of or opponent’s situation. Yes, you are going to have people get upset and leave. That’s not going to change even with the % label. What the % label has done; made it harder to find matches. Many good, fun players are embarrassed because they have a low % label. They are only playing with friends. I bet if you check you would find out that there are fewer friends being made. This takes a lot of the fund out of the game as well. And the person who said if you are below 70% you is a quitter. Please, give me a break! I’m a legend and before the “%” label, I could go on any time of day or night and find a game. Now, that’s not the case. This is supposed to be a fun game. You guy’s that keep screaming “I’m not a quitter or you are a quitter”, please get a life.