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Either Fix It Or...

rated by 0 users
Mon, Nov 12 2012 3:04 PM (36 replies)
  • EnglishRosey
    733 Posts
    Sun, Nov 11 2012 12:39 PM



    If there was an accurate way to establish a truthful percentage analysis on WGT reliabilityon connection, game errors, flash failures and/or server overload, would any of you give a 100% reputation to WGT then ?  In other words, the system is not fair as it is now since no one really knows how many times a game is prevented by WGT failure or a player's quit.  Mine is presently down to 93% but I finish all my games.  I should have 100%.  I don't have a win-lose complex.  I love this game and site, and sharing with players from all over the World, but this inaccuracy at stating one's true % as "finisher of games" keeps being my only stone in my shoes.  Cheers !



    WTG the real quitter no one blames !

    Here, a good example of my previous post.  Blitz on Kiawa, invited by a good friend-player who always finishes his games.  First hole, he starts.  His time runs down to :00 and despite we both are there, right at this second, waiting for any reaction the game is stuck.  Only option :  Close window after more than 7 minutes wait now.  Image taken from our current position.  My percentage was on 93% before this game and now I must be 90%, so ... am I a quitter ?



    seriously get a grip. who cares if your % goes up and down a bit...if your not a quitter it will never really go lower than 80% tops 70% and you will always get a game. i cant believe you waited 1/2 an hour in some vein hope of reconnection....take the 3% hit. Then continue to play as you normally do, with hopefully no quitting.

    i had a few disconnects and quit on friends cause i had to run, and explained to them. my % was down to like 80%, played a few more games got no disconnects im back on 97%.

    its a fluctuating % and with non quitting players they will be % wise, between 70% and 100%. quitting player will be 70% and lower.

    its a great guide to choosing randoms to play with and the quitting problem was awful, this % has really addressed the said issue,  as long as one has no finicky obsession with being 100%.



  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sun, Nov 11 2012 12:54 PM

    if it's a fail....which it is....get rid of it and that's another useless gimmick removed from loading as part of the game correct?

    having said that Rosie does make some valid points

    so ok....maybe not chuck it altogether....perhaps just fix it.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Nov 11 2012 1:33 PM

    non quitting players they will be % wise, between 70% and 100%. quitting player will be 70% and lower.
    How can you tell if a match quitter drops his opponent's %% and an A/S quitter drops three others? Quitters may well hide in the crowd!

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Nov 11 2012 2:44 PM

    Quitters may well hide in the crowd!

    Yes the system is far from even being good, but it is a rough indication whether someone will see the game out. 70% +  i will play, under that its a good indication that the person either has computer/connection issues or is a quitter.

    Without any system we are back to being pure pot luck, and I have found myself getting more games completed since the introduction of the percentage system as you can avoid the low % players.

    I think too many people have got obsessed by being at 100% - this is hard to do when you do lose % when your partner quits or the game freezes. But who really cares? Not me.

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sun, Nov 11 2012 6:29 PM


    Quitters may well hide in the crowd!

    Yes the system is far from even being good, but it is a rough indication whether someone will see the game out. 70% +  i will play, under that its a good indication that the person either has computer/connection issues or is a quitter.

    Without any system we are back to being pure pot luck, and I have found myself getting more games completed since the introduction of the percentage system as you can avoid the low % players.

    I think too many people have got obsessed by being at 100% - this is hard to do when you do lose % when your partner quits or the game freezes. But who really cares? Not me.

    It's my observation that many get obsessed with all kinds of meaningless numbers here.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sun, Nov 11 2012 6:41 PM

    Said it before..was loving it before they got rid in Alt (g8 indictor and useful) .

    AND continues to be....still have yet to have someone quit in 6 weeks!!.

    When someone has connex prob and we have to go to lobby,ppl still say "oh,ave might go down".So many don't even know !! ....

    It's still working even though it's not.  lol..Andy

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Nov 11 2012 11:25 PM

    It's still working even though it's not.  lol..Andy
    Ah - the psycho-%%...

    First impulse was to nod in agreement, Andy, but this is two-tiered.

    Of course it is good that players care for a game and try to finish it, but once the game is in trouble by a disconnection it may easily become a pain. To sit in the lobby for 5 mins and another 5 mins just ot protect the %% number is no fun. Sometimes you have to accept that a game has passed it's expiry date and open the waste bin. Alas, I don't know where to put the limits.

  • Quijotazo
    648 Posts
    Sun, Nov 11 2012 11:51 PM


    ... but once the game is in trouble by a disconnection it may easily become a pain. To sit in the lobby for 5 mins and another 5 mins just ot protect the %% number is no fun. Sometimes you have to accept that a game has passed it's expiry date and open the waste bin. Alas, I don't know where to put the limits ...

    If only this % system was INTELLIGENT and could actually tell and account the difference between a player that forfeits and/or quits a game and a player who simply ends up trapped in a game stuck due to someone else's quit or simple GAME ERROR caused by WGT, or flash, or the maya calender ... ;)

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Nov 12 2012 1:58 AM


    First impulse was to nod in agreement, Andy, but this is two-tiered.

    Of course it is good that players care for a game and try to finish it, but once the game is in trouble by a disconnection it may easily become a pain.

    All I can say to that Alo , is "not one unfinished one in 6 weeks"....I can only commnt on my exp...hear ya though....Andy

  • Lgarris2
    3 Posts
    Mon, Nov 12 2012 5:18 AM

    I’m sorry but I have to agree.  This % thing has changed the game.  First let’s talk about how often something goes wrong with WGT.  Often, we are frozen out of games; opponents leave the game incorrectly which again freezes the game.  For whatever reason, the screen goes blank and you’re done.  Now the worst; you are playing with someone who is upset or just and ass, and will not leave but makes the game miserable for all, running the clock and taking stroke penalties, or just sitting on their turn.  As well as, using very improper language.  I guess the only way to make sure you do not play with this type person is to only play with friends, but that’s not always possible.   Now, you have loading issues.  An opponent can’t load and your froze again.  This can be one of many issues from, the computer, WGT, weather, job, family, or just the unknown. Hell, I even fell asleep during one game late at night and I was 5 under after 5!  I really have no problem with someone quitting as long as they do it right and not kill the game for everyone.  In fact, if they are playing really bad, it slows down the game for everyone anyway.  And, most matches are slow enough.  I really don’t won’t to play with someone who is upset and does not won’t to be there, just because I’m playing well.   My point is, just because someone has a low % it does not mean they are a quitter.   People have lives and yes it may make you mad but let’s not label people quitters with so many problems with WGT.  As well as, being understanding of or opponent’s situation.  Yes, you are going to have people get upset and leave.  That’s  not going to change even with the % label.  What the % label has done; made it harder to find matches. Many good, fun players are embarrassed because they have a low % label. They are only playing with friends.  I bet if you check you would find out that there are fewer friends being made.  This takes a lot of the fund out of the game as well.    And the person who said if you are below 70% you is a quitter.  Please, give me a break!  I’m a legend and before the “%” label, I could go on any time of day or night and find a game.  Now, that’s not the case.  This is supposed to be a fun game.  You guy’s that keep screaming “I’m not a quitter or you are a quitter”, please get a life.