My original post says this
Seem to have one a week lately . Is it just general maintanence or are
we going to start seeing some bug fixes soon ? I wouldnt mind be down
for a month if we can get some fixes worked out please.
Am I being specific about this downtime ? NO
I am simply asking a question .A simple question at that. When a game is BETA they require feedback which the community has done right ?
When that happens should we not expect BUG fixes ?
Thats my point . I have not seen any BUG fixes in quite some time but have seen plenty of downtime .Get it ? If not , like I said you dont have to worry about my concern. Your wasting your ink :)
One would expect a BETA game to get fixes from time to time Not all the time . I understand maintanence needs to be done but so do BUG fixes.