Thats exactly the point Nat11. Pizza throws out this line of play anywhere, its complete bullsh*t.
I just bought a computer that can play any new game on it w/ the highest fps possible. Yet the meter on WGT is tottally unplayable. Just goes to show this game is on the wrong platform.
WGTPizza, please shows me dozens of threads on Windows8 issues w/ meter.
Instead of trying to help at all, you hijacked the thread and changed its subject to "WGT can be played anywhere anytime" and all that blah blah.
Wow BM, so much spite! ;)
I won't back down, though. WGT can be accessed nearly anywhere. The trade off for that is your system must be optimally configured. If you require a gaming environment that is limited to a single dedicated machine (console, or install required on a PC) then WGT is not for you.
WGT requires a machine that is configured properly. Games that are installed on to your machine, or run on a gaming console, does not require the same frequency or importance of optimization. This is the trade off, make no mistake.
BM, if you are having trouble with WGT on Windows 8, there are several threads explaining how to perform maintenance, and even if they aren't specifically for Windows 8, they will help you.
There was no hijacking, if you read my original post, it was responding to the comment directly above it. Let's calm down a bit, BM. Keep it respectful.
Stay classy,