lonniescott711:I see the sales reps are encouraging you to waste your credits.
Easy for a level 91 Master with decent clubs to say. He's 44 levels behind you and probably wants to be more than a Master when he gets there. He's asking for advice now, not then.. You save up all those credits and buy your bag all at once? With 44 levels to go to get to your lofty staus I'd say spending a few credits now is hardly a waste.
Yeah and I got here by taking my time , and playing the game.I have never spent 1 penny of my money either. My decent clubs, I got from doing the surveys and videos for free credits. About 2 weeks ago, I bought the lvl 83 G20 irons, and had saved 5000 credits before doing so. I make no apologies for being lvl 91 as I have played every day for 452 cdp. No level up bars or drinks, just putting in my time, and playing the game. So the point is , if I can do it , so can the next player.
The credits will be a waste if it doesnt benefit in the long run. And just like you gave him advice, so why cant I ?I am currently sitting on over 2600 credits, does that upset you too? I started off just like the OP, with the same lousy clubs, a Hack with no levels By the the time I had found the forums, I had already upgraded to Raptures, and was looking for new wedges . So if I can help a new player with my knowledge , I will do so. And since my advice was for him. I dont care if the sales reps take offense, it wasnt meant for them. But if it irks you so much, then you go buy and gift the OP what they need. Now put up or shut up. Happy Swinging P.S. I upgraded along the way, but saved my credits, until I could buy what I needed.