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We act like babies !

Mon, Nov 19 2012 9:59 AM (101 replies)
  • alosso
    21,059 Posts
    Sat, Nov 17 2012 9:46 AM

    Keep'em coming, my friend. Your posts brighten up my day. [...] be such a true gentleman as the rest of us know you are.
    +1 for each argument cited!

  • Boomerboy44
    1,514 Posts
    Sat, Nov 17 2012 10:07 AM

    Man I must have missed something...I thought the original post was beyond funny....2 days later I  am still laughing.  Great job Q. 


  • opyeuclid
    6,709 Posts
    Sat, Nov 17 2012 10:46 AM
    I see that Mr Q sent a request to WGT to have this thread removed because he thinks he hurt someone .. What a shame that we cant have some FUN with out someone wanting to bring it all down . OPY
  • Quijotazo
    648 Posts
    Sat, Nov 17 2012 10:47 AM

    Lesson to be re-learned :

    We all come from different places, geographically, culturally, spiritually and emotionally speaking.  Each one of us have a unique way of interpreting life and WGT, and if we want to be true to ourselves in the attempt to create a good community full of good faith and sentiments of fellowship among players, one must abandon immediately any urge for self-reassurance of trying to be right in an argument; and this is a good case :  I came up with an idea that to me seemed like fun, and shared it without thinking that someone else could feel insulted very personally.  Now, I have being ear-pulled on realizing that maybe this whole thread, despite how funny it might appeal to most of us here writing, it's content could be insulting to others that didn't want to write at all.

    That said, as an act of good faith I decided to communicate to WGT administrators my desire of full removal of this whole entry from the forums, as a final act of honor towards a person that despite how different might think from me still deserves the same respect and honor we all do.

    Besides, I already went into battle with two players in the past because of tiny differences like these, and to be honest ... I rather to earn a friend than a battle.

    So, let's stop this thread here please.  In fact, if WGT decides to support my decision as the OP author, maybe this very final post might not even reach your ends.

    Greetings and peace every one.  Very sincerely, AJ - Quijotazo

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Sat, Nov 17 2012 11:06 AM

    If this very funny, entertaining post is removed due to one complaint, then God help us. I guess we will never be allowed to show humor again. Sorry to see this happen.

  • togemag
    991 Posts
    Sat, Nov 17 2012 11:22 AM

    "Q", this was intended to be funny ( got a little carry away in some places, I guess to some). I have never played a game with you or have had a chance to communicate with you. Very well spoken as a apology. 

    I was not going to write any thing after seeing your last post (delete what I have wrote). But as I have been ranting and raving at this game and WGT, the last two or three weeks. I thought I must write this; this has hit me right between the eyes. I have played many sports at many levels and knew how to win and knew how to lose, but here lately I have been acting as a "idiot", with WGT. This post just help me realize this (mirror, if you will). This post has done me a lot of good. Thank You, I have both feet on the ground now and have had one heck of a laugh, which I needed. So now I am going to post what I was going to put on this now. This was VERY POSITIVE FOR ME. TC and live well!


    That was great, I hate to say it. One of those pictures was me. After thinking about this, I apologize to WGT, from my rants and raves lately. To competitive, I guess. I just gained 50 something years, in the last few minutes. (Shaking My Head????, at myself)


  • opyeuclid
    6,709 Posts
    Sat, Nov 17 2012 11:34 AM

    Ok   , here I go ..  With the opening Post of some FUN pic,s , The only person who was named was me .. ME  !  OPY ! , I did not have a problem with Mr Q poking Fun at ME  .

      It had Nothing to do with how much $ one  or all of us have put into this game .

    Mr Q Sir ,  You know dam well that you can not or ever please every one ,  And to let one Unhappy player stop you from bringing the Joy and laffter that you have givin us in the forums .  Then that one Unhappy player win,s and the rest of us lose .

    I understand that you do not want to hurt any one , But you can not let someone who is Unhappy with WGT stop you .


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Nov 17 2012 12:26 PM

    Go ahead and ask WGT to delete this. I'll just start another thread with it and credit your for it, Q.  :-)

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Sat, Nov 17 2012 1:09 PM

    the original post was so funny i had coffee coming out my n---!  his nickle forever...

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Sat, Nov 17 2012 1:22 PM

    recognized myself in 3! of the photo's.  Sharon says i was in everyone of them!  Keep it up.  If i can be made to choke on my Kona coffee, everyone must have found at least one mirror in that group.  To those who may be offended i'm sorry for you.

    I have never encountered a more lenient person than Quijotazo on WGT, or anywhere else i can think of.  my nickle.