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Cosa Nostra CC

Tue, Nov 20 2012 2:43 PM (51 replies)
  • cobaltm
    3,961 Posts
    Sun, Nov 18 2012 1:34 AM

    A small "active" club with a few of WGT's finest as members is looking for a few highly active and vocal new members to complete us.......

    For competitive reasons our members are Tour Master (well along) or higher........

    So, if you are not satisfied with your present club or have never joined one before, and you meet our requirements give me a join request and we will give it a go.

    Please, if you are not intending to become highly involved in club activities do not bother joining.

    Thanks for the read,

    cobaltm (Mike)

  • indianlove
    98 Posts
    Sun, Nov 18 2012 3:15 AM

    Consider me! i'll love to play for ur club and meet ur requirements too :)

  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Sun, Nov 18 2012 3:28 AM

    Hello dude.

    Sorry for been direct but did you ever think how it means "Cosa Nostra"?I can understand that we are in public online game and the country club takes some fantasy name but using that one is really awful, speak for myself of course. 

    Italia Cosa Nostra, well-known as mafia italiana, is criminal organization that operate in Italy and all over the world killing thousand and thousand of people, including childrens and women, from the past II world war until no estimate date, it's still operate for shameless.

    Men, women, children (solved in acid), didn't care to die from their hands and I'm really piss off to find here too someone who cares to remember that f*****g ugly name, maybe not for his real intent but it's like if some italian new members choose to name is country club Ku Klux Klan. Maybe someone could take this apart.

    Sorry for been unkind, but for Italian dudes like me Cosa Nostra means shame.



    Salut and sorry again,

  • cycle1979
    1,555 Posts
    Sun, Nov 18 2012 11:10 AM

    Thanks for the info Davide.  I hope members of this club see this and make the responsible decision. 

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Nov 18 2012 11:35 AM

     I hope members of this club see this and make the responsible decision. 

    And what should that be?

  • cycle1979
    1,555 Posts
    Sun, Nov 18 2012 11:50 AM

    Use common sense YG... I read what Davide wrote and I think supporting a club with this name is despicable.  I personally was unaware of this until I read his comment.... 

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Nov 18 2012 11:58 AM

    Erm? It means, "Our Thing."

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Nov 18 2012 1:14 PM

    I think supporting a club with this name is despicable.

    Heh-I guess you wouldn't approve of the Top Gat tournament either, not to mention all the jokes about that particular part of history we share. It's OK, we don't need your approval. Maybe when the Italians that belong to the club object it'll mean something.

  • DarkenRahl
    2,116 Posts
    Sun, Nov 18 2012 1:43 PM


    Use common sense YG... I read what Davide wrote and I think supporting a club with this name is despicable.  I personally was unaware of this until I read his comment.... 

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion - even when they are wrong.   Every member of Cosa Nostra that I have had the privilege of playing a round with has been friendly, and without a doubt gentlemen.    I understand that our Italian friend has a reason for his view, but that is due to his history.   If you as an American have a problem with it, that is a different matter entirely.  You have the right to voice your opinion, but asking an established and respected Club to disband because you suddenly found a reason to dislike their name is not within your rights in my opinion.

  • cycle1979
    1,555 Posts
    Sun, Nov 18 2012 2:05 PM

    My point is that many of the members may not may not even understand what the name of the club means or any of the information that Davide pointed out.  I know many of the members and have played with many.  All have been a pleasure to play with.

    In my opinion.. if I was a member of the club and I learned that information I would not want to be a part of something that could potentially offend so many people.  Especially given the fact that WGT is an international community.  Personally, if I enjoyed the club and enjoyed the members I'd start fresh with a less-offensive name.  I know you can't please everyone but from the information that Davide pointed out its hard to argue its offensiveness.

    Just my opinion guys... with the info that Davide mentioned and the very little research that I've done... I wouldn't want to be a part of it and I'm sure many of the members would feel the same.