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sandbaggers and quitters

rated by 0 users
Sat, Jul 10 2010 2:33 PM (24 replies)
  • lawman48
    3,145 Posts
    Sun, Jun 6 2010 4:07 AM

    I made a suggestion a couple of weeks ago, but up to press nobody as made any sort of comment, good or bad. So i presume it is either impossible to implement or not worth bothering about.

    Anyway, I've thought further on this subject and would like to run this by WGT again and hope i get some feed back. So here i go again.

    Why not scrap the scoring averages and start afresh. Everybody would be on 00.00. Whatever tier a player is on would remain the same though. Each player would then have to complete one full 18 hole round on all the four courses,and once started must be finished no matter what. After a player as completed his or her four 18 hole rounds there average is then set by the side of there name. I know some players will have meter issues and other problems while setting there average, but thats just the way the cookie crumbles, and it wont take long for the good players to get there averages back to what there true skill factor is.

    Any player without an average will not be eligible to play in any tournament or ready-go games until they have completed the above requirement. Only 18 hole tournaments and 18 hole ready-go games would count towards your score average. All 9 hole games[ including tournaments ] and 18 hole stroke play games would not be ranked. Lets face it, in real golf your score averages dont count in friendly games so if we want to be as realistic as possible why should they count here. All other averages would not be affected i.e. birdies-eagles-putting etc.

    Players with no average, for whatever reason they have chosen not to acquire theres at the moment, can still take part in everything else that WGT as to offer.

    When playing in a stroke play game with other players, if score averages are not a factor then there is no reason to quit, this also applies to players who have a score average. this should cut down a vast amount of games that get spoiled by players who are just protecting there false averages.

    Now for the sandbaggers.

    Lets say a sandbagger who is in the amateur tier plays the 18 hole game on the four courses, but chooses to keep his or her  average artificially high, and then enters an amateur tournament and maybe wins it, well i doubt that anything can be done about that, but he can be stopped from winning again in that tier. The winner of any tournament, and the nine other players below him would automatically move up to the next tier.

    And just one more thing to add. I would make it compulsory for every single master to play an18 hole game on all four courses once a month


  • billy8581
    6 Posts
    Sun, Jun 6 2010 4:26 AM

    all sounds very complicated, why not just work averages out based on single play tournaments, multirounds etc etc, if you dont enter them and finish them it doesnt change your average.

    As for quitters, i think its perfectly logical to assume someone will quit a bad round and start again, i for one am not going to sit through 40 mins of play if i am +4 after 2 holes, because, theres A. no rule against it, and B. I have no motivation to continue, i.e in the saint adrews qualifier, if im not going to beat my -6 score with 3 holes to go im not going to bother playing till the end, id rather have another crack, and save time.

    As for every master having to play 18 holes on each course, what happened to picking and chosing which courses you play, i dont like bethpage i prefer to play kiawah and saint andrews, it is a game after all.

    my average goes from 61- 66 and means very little i gauge how good i am by how well i do in single plays and matches, i can have a 50 average but if im coming 15th and 25th in tourneys and losing all my matches then it doesnt mean much really.

    Just try to have more fun fun fun! :-)


  • johnloaves
    126 Posts
    Sun, Jun 6 2010 4:40 AM

    i for one dont like it..i have no interest in tourneys or any other game where sandbaggers and cheats do the cleaning up

    as for 18's rarely can be bothered

    as for quitters..i couldnt care less

    btw i can give anyone a good run

    but those scores posted on day one at oak..yeah right

  • AlaCowboy
    1,321 Posts
    Sun, Jun 6 2010 4:47 AM

    lawman48, I see some problems with your requirements---

    Why should I be required to play a round at Oakmont to qualify for a tournament on Kiawah?

    Oakmont is currently set at a nearly impossible level of play for the average golfer in here, so I choose not to play it. Same with Bethpage. I play it solo now and then to sharpen my game and fulfill my humility requirements, but to be required to play it? Nope. 

    And why not count all ranked multi-play rounds played toward the scoring average? Simply require anyone that disconnects for any reason to complete that round as a single when they come back into WGT.

    Now the fair way to discourage artificial rankings (i.e, sandbagging) is to count all tournaments and match-play rounds into scoring averages and weight them heavier than single-play rounds. Thus, the scores that make a player money (credits) count more toward their average. 

  • nickuk
    967 Posts
    Sun, Jun 6 2010 5:47 AM

    if they gave us the best balls...for FREE, i will gladly complete each round, but thats not gonna happen is it....quitting is no biggy as far as im concerned...just move on! sandbagging is a different issue, but i suggest  that if your winning tier tourneys and credits you should move through the tiers regardless of the scores your posting!

  • lawman48
    3,145 Posts
    Sun, Jun 6 2010 5:52 AM

    fair enough guys, it was only a suggestion

  • nickuk
    967 Posts
    Sun, Jun 6 2010 6:01 AM

    ha....yes, ppl tend to be a little harsh....nowt wrong with suggestions though bud!

  • KillerRabbit
    31 Posts
    Sun, Jun 6 2010 7:19 AM

    I agree, there is no HUMANLY way possible to shoot in the 50s only using your mouse.

  • PorkyWalrus
    607 Posts
    Sun, Jun 6 2010 7:34 AM

    I am not a sandbagger. I have been a pro for I believe most of my time here. If I were to make 50% more of my birdie putts, those that stop just inches from the hole, I may be a master by now. I am in no hurry to make master, I have played master conditions before (tough!) but I will accept it when (or if?) the time comes.


  • jbenny11
    863 Posts
    Sun, Jun 6 2010 7:55 AM

    well killer your just wrong about that. you bought a driver and a ball, that will get you by on sta, kia. island. i guess you never played with anyone who is VERY good at this, but to say it's not humanly possible is just wrong. JB